Database verifiation and repairing failed

database verification and repairing failed is the message returned after a DB check. I have tried installing an update of the software followed by a re-boot but the problems persists.

I could uninstall and re-install but I am concerned I will lose all my data and saved emails.

Nightmare situation. I love the eMclient functions, but it is no good if it is going to fatally crash. Even my old Outlook could always repair itself!

UPDATE: After the update that software has now finally loaded and it has kept the account settings, but the various folders I created and their contents are missing. Is there any way they can be found/restored?

Hi, I have replied to you in other post, and I did not saw this one so please do not take that other answer on mind.
Next time do not post same issue twice, it only causes confusion. Do not worry about forgetting about issue. I am able to see in forum management which topics are without answer or I am not last who posted into them.

Anyway this is like you have crashed before your updated info has been synchronized to the server.
Can you tell me what changes exactly you have made?
