I have a new Mac.
I am trying to transfer eM Client from the Old to the New.
I made a backup of the old, put it on a memory stick, and restored it onto the new Mac and the newly downloaded eM Client App.
A message returns that the newly downloaded eM Client version is old and has to be updated. The restore halted.
If I try to restart eM Client, I get a message “The application cannot start because the database on this computer was modified by a newer version of this application. You may correct this situation by updating the application using the button below, or by manually installing the newer version.”
If I use the button I get : “Error occurred while downloading files net_servererror. 404. Not Found”
I then deleted and redownloaded eM Client.
I reinstalled the App.
On trying to start the App I get the same message "The application cannot start . . . etc.
I’m in a loop and I cannot get into the eM Client App at all.
I have considered manually deleting files associated with the eM Client database. Looking in the hidden C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\ folder I do not find anything in the AppData folder other than Microsoft.
What on earth do I do now?