Database corruption?

I have a new Mac.
I am trying to transfer eM Client from the Old to the New.
I made a backup of the old, put it on a memory stick, and restored it onto the new Mac and the newly downloaded eM Client App.
A message returns that the newly downloaded eM Client version is old and has to be updated. The restore halted.
If I try to restart eM Client, I get a message “The application cannot start because the database on this computer was modified by a newer version of this application. You may correct this situation by updating the application using the button below, or by manually installing the newer version.”

If I use the button I get : “Error occurred while downloading files net_servererror. 404. Not Found
I then deleted and redownloaded eM Client.
I reinstalled the App.

On trying to start the App I get the same message "The application cannot start . . . etc.

I’m in a loop and I cannot get into the eM Client App at all.

I have considered manually deleting files associated with the eM Client database. Looking in the hidden C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\ folder I do not find anything in the AppData folder other than Microsoft.

What on earth do I do now?

You need to have the same or newer version on the target device. You can do that by downloading and installing the latest version in the Release History.

That’s what I thought too. So I downloaded the latest version from the website <Filename: emclient-v10.0.3530_Mac.pkg>. When I try to install it I get the error message I wrote above; “The application cannot start because the database on this computer was modified by a newer version of this application . . . etc"

This message indicates that the installer has detected files existing on the Hard Drive from the attempt to restore files from the previous backup-restore process. If I could scrub my new Mac of the previous process’s files, I reckon the install could proceed.

No, you need to download and install the latest version in the Release History. The latest version there is 10.1.4588.

Perfect. That worked. Thank you so much.