it would be really great to pre-define the options for snoozing mails. (e.g. 2 Days from now, next weekend etc.). I can obviously do this via “custom”, but would be great to define my own time sets.
it would be really great to pre-define the options for snoozing mails. (e.g. 2 Days from now, next weekend etc.). I can obviously do this via “custom”, but would be great to define my own time sets.
YES! I would also really appreciate this! Also, a keyboard shortcut for snooze, please?
This feels like a really obvious thing. And yes to shortcut! Can’t believe it’s not an option. In fact I am going to create a separate request for this because it’s so important to me!
This would be super helpful. Right now, if I want to snooze an email until later today, it takes way too many steps.
Comming from outlook and using follow-up with custom time, this change to snooze would be absolutely perfect.
Making own list of for example Next week, in two weeks, next month, nexty year - would allow for fulll control.
Making toolbar so snooze can be there multiple times with Snooze next week, Snooze next month - would make it so much easier to use.
Hi guys, any update on being able to customize the items in the Snooze Entries drop list? This is really somewhat of a productivity killer for someone like me who’s operational day relies heavily on snoozing. It makes me seriously consider going back to Spark.
This request has been open for over 2 years now … and being a software developer, I know this would be super simple to add and roll out in any update.
Suggest you then “add a like” to the following request post in the link below for that feature, as per that one “already had a few other users who wanted / liked that same option”.
The more likes on a feature request, might then down the track be implemented “depending on how many other users want that feature”.
Add your comment to that as well if you like with what customize snooze option you would want.
I’m coming from Outlook where I used SimplyFile. This addin has really great snoozing functionality, with many great default options. It shows like:
I really loved this way, where the last 5 used options are shown on top,
Things I personally most love:
Would be really great if this will be added within eM Client 10. I would be glad to pay for it, as I use this whole day.
Is this basic option ever going to get delivered?
There is now a Sleekplan suggestion link below for customising the snooze, where you can also vote for that and add any comments if you like.