This is the biggest problem I’ve faced during the trial period.
emClient: 6.0.22344.0
ownCloud: 8.1.0 (stable)
I’m using ownCloud purely as a CalDav and CardDav server. This works fine with my iPhone/iPad and I’m experiencing no problems modifying contacts.
To reproduce the problem I start with no contacts defined at all in my CardDav server, and ensure I can sync correctly with emClient.
- Create a new contact
- Click Save
The contact briefly appears, flashes the disappears as it syncs with ownCloud
However if I create a contact without a picture
then when I click save it’s correctly stored:

for completeness this is what I see in ownCloud afterwards
Note the T by Test Contact 2 is the default avatar, the white space by Test Contact is unusual though, suggesting something was sent as an image, but not something that could be used by ownCloud.
Now you might shift the blame towards owncloud, however my Apple products can create and edit contacts with pictures easily and repatedly. I can even sync them back into emClient, however if I edit them in any way with emClient the same thing happens and the avatars disappear (although sometimes the contact remains, just without an avatar).
Looking at the CardDav logs I can see a few things of interest.
Firstly, here’s the second contact log, without picture - nothing particularly interesting:
18:57:09.388|015| C: PutCommand []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/45fa8380-b505-48b6-b921-8de959ff62c2vcf")
18:57:09.388|015| BEGIN:VCARD
18:57:09.388|015| VERSION:4.0
18:57:09.388|015| UID:urn:uuid:0644e2a5-7aef-412a-82e9-06ae6960a03a
18:57:09.388|015| N;SORT-AS="Test Contact 2":2;Test,Contact;;
18:57:09.388|015| FN:Test Contact 2
18:57:09.388|015| PRODID:-//eM Client/6.0.22344.0
18:57:09.388|015| END:VCARD
18:57:09.791|015| S: PUT []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/45fa8380-b505-48b6-b921-8de959ff62c2vcf")
18:57:09.791|015| Created Created
18:57:09.793|015| C: GetCommand []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/45fa8380-b505-48b6-b921-8de959ff62c2vcf")
18:57:10.034|015| S: GET []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/45fa8380-b505-48b6-b921-8de959ff62c2vcf")
18:57:10.034|015| OK OK
18:57:10.034|015| ETag: "bb5b094dfc5bb09cb715ddc2c5a207ae"
18:57:10.034|015| Response, stream length:
-1, 233
18:57:10.034|015| Content:
18:57:10.034|015| VERSION:3.0
18:57:10.034|015| UID:urn:uuid:0644e2a5-7aef-412a-82e9-06ae6960a03a
18:57:10.034|015| N;SORT-AS=Test Contact 2:2;Test\,Contact;;;
18:57:10.034|015| FN:Test Contact 2
18:57:10.034|015| PRODID:-//ownCloud//NONSGML Contacts
18:57:10.034|015| REV:2015-07-24T17:57:05+00:00
18:57:10.034|015| END:VCARD
But the log from when I created a contact with avatar:
18:52:13.018|015| S: PROPFIND []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/")
18:52:13.018|015| 207 Multi-Status
18:52:13.018|015| Response, stream length:
-1, 260
18:52:13.018|015| Content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:s="<a href=" http: rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://sabredav.org/ns"; xmlns:card="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav"><response><href>/owncloud/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/</href></response></multistatus>
18:52:13.018|015| SynchronizeItemsCommand finished on ( /ACCOUNT:5)
18:52:15.589|015| SynchronizeFoldersCommand executing on ( /ACCOUNT:5)
18:53:32.096|015| C: PutCommand []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/feb2ba0d-30a5-46b5-8318-37753bf0ce6evcf")
18:53:32.096|015| BEGIN:VCARD
18:53:32.096|015| VERSION:4.0
18:53:32.096|015| UID:urn:uuid:5189946f-f200-4895-bc6b-d77957663ab5
18:53:32.096|015| N;SORT-AS="Test Contact":Contact;Test;;
18:53:32.096|015| FN:Test Contact
18:53:32.096|015| PHOTO:
[snip Base 64 encoded image]
18:53:32.099|015| PRODID:-//eM Client/6.0.22344.0
18:53:32.099|015| END:VCARD
18:53:32.613|015| S: PUT []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/feb2ba0d-30a5-46b5-8318-37753bf0ce6evcf")
18:53:32.613|015| Created Created
emClient then retrieves the contact
18:53:32.618|015| C: GetCommand []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/feb2ba0d-30a5-46b5-8318-37753bf0ce6evcf")
18:53:32.994|015| S: GET []( "Link http//1921681124/owncloud/remotephp/carddav/addressbooks/rob/contacts/feb2ba0d-30a5-46b5-8318-37753bf0ce6evcf")
18:53:32.994|015| OK OK
18:53:32.994|015| ETag: "97105d87ccca56872a94f354a9de8de0"
18:53:32.996|015| Response, stream length:
-1, 40069
18:53:32.996|015| Content:
18:53:32.996|015| VERSION:3.0
18:53:32.996|015| UID:urn:uuid:5189946f-f200-4895-bc6b-d77957663ab5
18:53:32.996|015| N;SORT-AS=Test Contact:Contact;Test;;;
18:53:32.996|015| FN:Test Contact
18:53:32.996|015| PHOTO: **dataimage/pngbase64** iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAR4AAACrCAMAAACHZwOWAAAAAX
[snip Base 64 encoded image]
18:53:32.998|015| PRODID:-//ownCloud//NONSGML Contacts
18:53:32.998|015| REV:2015-07-24T17:53:28+00:00
18:53:32.998|015| END:VCARD
please not the returned
" PHOTO:dataimage/pngbase64"
is not the same as what was sent
" PHOTO:data:image/png;base64,"
again if my iphone/ipad didn’t work I’d assume it was an ownCloud problem, but this only goes wrong when I use emClient.
I’d appreciate any help with this as it’s a show-stopper for me paying and moving over to emClient as my outlook replacement.