Creating group contact list after transfer from old to new computer

I have transferred two email addresses with their contact lists from an old to a new computer. I can create a distribution list but cannot save it. Th Save and Close button is shaded grey and i get a message: This folder does not support editing of distribution lists from external applications. What should i do?

That usually means you are trying to create a distribution list in a cloud account on the server end “where the server doesn’t support it” so is greyed out as not writable in the cloud end.

So try creating & saving the distribution list in either “another account” if you have another, or in “Local Folders” Contacts at the bottom left of eM Client if no server cloud accounts will save.

If you don’t have Local folders enabled” up to V9, go to “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General” and enable Show local folders.

To show Local Folders in V10, go to “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General / Folders” and enable Local Folders.