Crashes on windows shutdown

New to the em client program, and I like it. However, most every time I shutdown windows 11 I get this program fault message.

I came to this forum to post the error and was surprised to see the number of forum posts about the program crashing. I guess I should feel lucky that I only get this crashing issue and not the many others I have read about.

This is either a hardware or Windows issue. If you do an Internet search for “the memory could not be read” you will find many articles on the subject that explain the causes and how to resolve them.

This is not a hardware or windows issue. The program is trying to read an invalid memory address.

After 50 years, working in PC industry and building PC’s, I have only had one other program that also tried to reference an invalid memory address on shutdown. That program was many, many years ago and was fixed with a program update.

The number of internet search results for “em client crashing” speaks for itself.

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Application: MailClient.exe
CoreCLR Version: 6.0.2223.42425
.NET Version: 6.0.22
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 107C2E54

jueves 04 enero 2024 :: 1750hrs (UTC +0100)

Before you shut down Win 11 you need to exit eM Client at: Menu/Exit
Do not expect Win 11 to close eM Client

¥Buena suerte y Feliz año nuevo!

Alvaro Muñoz (skybat on holiday)

ÂĄLos mejores desde Valencia y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español y catalån, luego portugués, inglés, francés y årabe.
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.


The only other cause of a memory errors like you are getting “apart from a Windows problems or Hardware problems as @Gary already mentioned above”, is eg: if you are running an early version of eM Client that is not compatible with Windows 11 or you have an eg: Outdated Net Framework.

So for Windows 11, you should be running at least V8 or preferable V9 now as alot has changed in the Windows OS since eM Client V6 or V7. These older versions might work, but could have problems.

Now if you are already running the latest V8 or V9 which you can check via the release history page, then could be you might have an old Net Framework version. You can check what framework version you are running via the following Microsoft page.

Note:- My Framework version is showing currently as version 4.8.1 (533320) With Win 11 23H2

Quote extracts below from the above Microsoft Support page link -

“Using the Registry Editor to check your Framework version”.

  1. From the Start menu, choose Run, enter regedit, and then select OK.(You must have administrative credentials to run regedit.)
  2. In the Registry Editor, open the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full. If the Full subkey isn’t present, then you don’t have .NET Framework 4.5 or later installed.
  3. Check for a REG_DWORD entry named Release. If it exists, then you have .NET Framework 4.5 or later installed. Its value corresponds to a particular version of .NET Framework. In the following figure, for example, the value of the Release entry is 528040, which is the release key for .NET Framework 4.8.

“Using the PowerShell to check for a minimum framework version”

Use PowerShell command to check the value of the Release entry of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full subkey.

The following example checks the value of the Release entry to determine whether .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later is installed. This code returns True if it’s installed and False otherwise.

(Get-ItemPropertyValue -LiteralPath ‘HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full’ -Name Release) -ge 394802

Apart from the above, check that you have done all the latest Windows 11 updates. eg: 23H2 update is available now if you haven’t done that which also include alot of OS fixes and new features etc.

New windows install, fully updated, dot net is up to date, etc. The memory fault still occurs on shutdown. This does not happen every time I shutdown. I would say 30% of the time. The other 70% the shutdown is fine.

Application: MailClient.exe CoreCLR Version: 6.0.2223.42425 .NET Version: 6.0.22 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 68522E54

This Microsoft video offers a better explanation of this error: Access Violation C0000005 | Microsoft Learn

Clearly an application error.