Hi. I’m trying to reply to an email with some comments that they have asked for and also attached a previous email that they may not have seen. The email I have attached to this one I am trying to send has some screenshots attached to it.
Previously in Outlook I would create my Reply email. Then right-click on the different email I wanted to attach (attachments photos could be in that original), then paste the original in the body of the one I now want to send. This would add the original email copy as an attachment to the one I’m sending and away it would go. The receiver could open mine and the attached original and any of the embedded screenshots/files.
I have noticed two things with eM Client.
When sending a Reply with another email copy attached to it, I get this error (see screenshot). “Couldn’t validate attached file. Filename & attached file doesn’t match.”
I haven’t changed the original email in any way; and haven’t changed the Reply email’s Title / Subject Line. How am I supposed to attach an email (including ones with attachments) to another email I am sending? I don’t seem to be able to use the Save As option first as it only gives (.eml or PDF) save options which are no good to other users or with attachments.
If I Reply to and email (and also when Forwarding one I think)… and I change the Subject Line to better suit my intended receiver/purpose, I get a Sending error that basically says the Subject lines are different and can’t send it. Is this expected behaviour as I could change the Subject Line in Outlook when Repling or Forwarding.
Previously in Outlook I would create my Reply email. Then right-click on the different email I wanted to attach (attachments photos could be in that original), then paste the original in the body of the one I now want to send. This would add the original email copy as an attachment to the one I’m sending and away it would go.
That might have been specially programmed in Outlook to do that via the right click option as you described to add to other new email messages (as an attachment). I don’t think eM Client has been designed / programmed to do it that way. If it has & is a eg: bug then someone will update this thread.
So try this on the other email you want to attach.
Right click in the body of the other email you want to attach, and choose “Save as .eml file” and save it to a hard-disk folder eg: “Documents / eM Client” folder.
Then attach that saved .eml file to your new email either by using the insert attachment icon, or by dragging it back from your hard-disk folder to the eg: Subject line, where the receiver will then be able to open that as an email attachment separately all in tact. That’s how I normally do that.
If I Reply to and email (and also when Forwarding one I think)… and I change the Subject Line to better suit my intended receiver/purpose, I get a Sending error that basically says the Subject lines are different and can’t send it.
You can normally change the Subject when replying or forwarding. Not sure why yours isn’t working. Hopefully another forum user might know why you are getting that error.
Another way in eM client is to compose your new email. Then on the other email you want to include, click reply (or forward) and select and copy the portion of the message you want to include in the new email. Then paste into the new email. If you include the header info with the previous subject line, sender and recipients, and date/time, then all that useful info will be in the new message for reference. The pasted message will appear as if you Replied to the old message, but you are starting a new conversation thread. A good practice when deviating from topics in previous emails but you want to retain reference to previous correspondence.
Thanks for the advice Tony. That would work for just including some relavent body text from the original email. Though I particularly would like to be able to include the whole email, including any inserts or attached files. If I ‘copied and pasted’ the email in Outlook it would include everything, as if they were actually opening up the original email.
Yes cyberzork I thought of doing that, but mistakenly thought the Save As (.eml) would save it as a ‘propriety’ email format of eM Client, that could only be opened by other eM Client applications. I’m sure when I saved Outlook emails to a PC folder they had a different file extension than .eml?
So I have just tried sending the original email as as you suggested, as a saved attachment (as a test), to another of my email addresses and I get the same error (see error at bottom of screenshot).
Yes I thought of doing that, but mistakenly thought the Save As (.eml) would save it as a ‘propriety’ email format of eM Client, that could only be opened by other eM Client applications.
.eml message files are “standard message format” and can be opened with any modern mail client.
I have just tried sending the original email as as you suggested, as a saved attachment (as a test), to another of my email addresses and I get the same error (see error at bottom of screenshot.
As you then carn’t send that other email as a standard .eml message file attachment, that could mean there is eg: possibly something within that email that is non standard in some way so fails all the time.
That.eml message file would then have to be investigated by eM Client support to see why it won’t send. Sorry I carn’t replicate that error with any .eml files.
So if you have a current active Paid Pro or Personal version, you can go to the VIP support page and login and lodge a support ticket to be investigated
The only thing I can suggest is to try saving other messages as .eml files and “create new test emails” and “see if any will send without errors” to rule out if it’s just that specific email with the issue.
Thanks for the advice. I sent a new email and attached a different ‘Saved’ email that had an PDF attachment and it failed with the same error.
I have logged a VIP Support ticket and referred them to this Forum Post as it has all the details and screenshots.