Copy and paste not work into windows 2003 - 2008 R2 server (rdp or console)

Copy and paste not work into windows 2003 - 2008 R2 server (rdp or console)

Copy text from message and paste into new message not work when run emclient into windows 2003 - 2008 R2 server (rdp or console)


please try to copy from IE to notepad and let me know if this works or not. You can also try resetting your IE files to default as this in most cases help.

eM Client run some features on IE core so these two programs interfere with each other.

also try both ctrls (left and right) + c and v, sometimes it bugs.



I have tried to copy form IE to notepad and it work.

I have reset IE to default but also emclient not work

also i tried both ctrls (left and right) + c and v and not work

I have also rebooted server

Another I have tried to more server. 2 windows 2003 server and 1 windows 2008 r2 and in both case emclient had the same problem


My colleagues will re-test this on their own win server. I will urge them as many times as I can to find our answer soon, so please be patient we are working on this.


thank you

I did a further test

I installed a clean Windows 2008 r2 from original dvd microsoft Italian localization
I installed only the recommended updates from microsoft
I have not installed additional software (only emclient) I configured any service

The problem occurs equally


thank you for your update, my colleagues are still working on it and this will help.


I found solution

If in 2008 r2 disable
Internet Explorer Enhanced Security
Emclient work correctly

in 2003 server, you must uninstall
Internet Explorer Enhanced Security

But it’s no a good solution

Please fix it

you are right. But you don’t have to disable Enhanced Security completely, better way is to set the custom level for the Internet zone and set the ‘Allow programmatic clipboard access’ to Enable.
Sorry for the late reply, I was installing Win2008 to check it out…

I agree that it is a weird solution and we will try to fix it

thank you