Contacts in IOS, Mac

Why doesn’t the Mac app and the IOS app sync iCloud contacts? It seems like a very big mistake to me.

eM Client for Mac desktop syncs iCloud contacts. Just add the iCloud account to eM Client.

eM Client for iOS (and Android) currently only contains email management features, but that is of course not where we plan to leave things off – Calendar, Contacts and other functionality, well-known from the desktop version, are coming soon to the mobile versions as well, our team is already working on it.

Hi Gary, thanks for replying so quickly.

I didn’t remember what my problem was a long time ago for not being able to add the iCloud account to eM Client but I now know. eM Client does not authenticate correctly to iCloud; name and password are verified by logging in without problems in iCloud using another browser, but authentication in iCloud from eM Client always fails for me. Any ideas?

Sorry for the translation.

Solved. :grinning:
I read other queries and tried creating a specific password for eM Client and it worked.
Thanks for your attention Gary. :wink: