Contact pictures?

I have installed EM Client 4 and synchronized my contacts with iCloud.
Absolutely no images have been imported. Are they lost?
Any way to retrieve the contact pictures from iCloud so I also have them in EM Client 4?

Thanks for any clue.

we aware of the issue and are currently working on the fix.

Good, thanks.
The other problem is that calendar, contact and task modifications are not uploaded to iCloud, but I think that you answered this one in my other post.
Keep up the good work.

Me to. 5.0.17263.0.
Contact images dont even reach the iPhone.

If I assign a photo in eM Client: iCloud contact on the iPhone is updated without the photo.

If I assign the photo on the iPhone: it syncs to eM Client.

As soon as I change the contact on eM Client, the photo is *not* synced back to the iPhone.

We are still working on it.

Additional: If you receive a contact with an image from an iOS device via iCloud, the vCard containts the iCloud specific URL to the image.

If you then change the image through eM Client, save the contact and then edit it again and delete the iCloud image URL, strange things happen with the contact still beeing in edit mode: Binary information from the contact image are wrapped into the URL input field making eM Client very slow.


Just switched over to eM Client 5.0.18025.0 and like it!
Except for the missing contact pictures…

Any news when it is expected to sync with iCloud?

Nice to not to be alone here.
John, take care!

If you add a contact photo on the iOS device, iOS uploads the full photo and the crop information for the face on the photo.

eM Client does not - so far - interpret the crop information nor does eM Client successfully cope with the full size photo and the iCloud-photo-URL in the vCard.

In my case, once I had removed the photo url from the changed the contacts website drop down in eM Client, the iOS device started a never ending full speed download, pushing my Internet Connection to its limits.

The download lasted day and night as long as the iOS device was in the cradle and WiFi turned on. The device got really warm. It loaded 20 GB per day without ever storing anything anywhere. Once I switched of the contacts in the iCloud setup of the device, the download stopped.

So, if you encounter fast battery drain its likely when a contact account is active that is also setup in in eM Client, that eM Client has corrupted the vCard.

If so, try to deactivate the contact account on the iOS device. Then, export your contacts from eM Client into a folder and look for large vCards (2 or more MB each, those with the full size photos inside). Fix the photo to get rid of the problem.

I reported all this but things did not change. I assign photos only on the eM Client and darely miss the photos on the iOS device (but can work again without battery drain on the device).

Indeed disappointing news that there is no progress nor communication.
This is a real bummer; could have been such a nice feature. Now I feel crippled with eM Client whereas iCould and iOS device have such nice contact picture and the do not show up in eM Client.

I’ll remember not to change the pictures with eM Client to avoid unwanted download and battery drain.

Thanks Stromfahrer!

Exactly, assign contact images on one side/OS only.

Unfortunately I share my account throughout a team and have to assign the images on eM Client.

By the way: The problem is not iCloud specific. I could reproduce the problem with a fruux account (a really great offer!) set up on both, eM Client and iOS. Same result: contact image/URL change on eM Client led to infinite download on the same cardDAV account on the iOS device.

It should be definitely present in the upcoming version 6.

That is promising news. Thanks. When is version 6 expected to be released?

Well, that was promised for emClient 5 and that’s why I upgraded but I still don’t use it. Still staying on Outlook because of that.
Now it’s told it will be for emClient 6. Which will be promised for version 7? :slight_smile:

Looking forward to eM Client metro (that — as we all know — comes after a 7). :frowning:

You guys at eM Client started great but struggle to fill the promises.

Today, I followed up the problem in my Pro support ticket:
Juraj of eM Client answered:

“I asked our developers and they want to release V6 first, then they will focus on fixing this issue so you can expect it in one of the V6 updates.“

Look around in the forum and see all those promises.
Look around and see messages of eM Client stuff asking customers if things are fixed. Shouldn’t that be the other way round?

Sorry, guys, I dont believe in eM Clients promises any more.
You fail to fix the bugs.
Instead you are increasing version numbers.

eM Client should publish an open items list on the homepage that is easy to look at and to understand for anybody to give final transparency on all that promises that have not been filled.

They’ve been saying this since version 3.

I left emClient a long time ago.

Thanks Steve, I am thinking of reverting to Outlook since it worked even it is totally over featured.

What do you use now (software and version) as PIM?

I switched to my Mac. I moved my entire Outlook file to Mac using Aid4Mail on Windows (flawless).
I used to have bootcamp to boot either on the mac or windows but have moved Windows that I use 99% of the time in a VM. Now I can switch from Windows to the Mac Mail, Calendar, Notes, and reminder with just one gesture of a finger on the trackpad.
Of course the Mac integration with iCloud is seamless.