Contact avatar downloading is faulty in eM Client 7.1.30646.0

My contact avatars are no longer showing up next to names and emails where they previously worked. It is advertised that eM Client 7.1 has improved contact avatar downloading, but most of the avatars that I used to see are now replaced by contact initials.

What I am guessing is that my contacts must have created an avatar using Favicon or Gravatar databases, but this is not the case for most users. Most of my contacts have avatars through Gmail or AOL mail, and those avatars used to work in eM Client.

Is there a way to restore the functionality of gmail avatars or is this functionality removed in eM Client 7.1?

Have a read of this and download the latest versionĀ 7.1.30686.0

Thank you. I did not realize that eM Client had already been updated to fix this issue.

My avatar functionality has been restored.