Constant Gmail IMAP errors

Same here. Seemed like the problem was solved for a while, but now it’s happening constantly. (I’ve updated the program a few times and have the latest version.) E-mail downloads when I first run eM, but then one or two (out of three) Gmail IMAP accounts “hang” and I have to restart. 

Hi Paul, Dan and Rick, what version of eM Client are you currently using?

Thank you,


6.0.20617.0. When I check for updates, I’m informed this is the latest version.


So you’ve mentioned you still have the issue that the account is only synchronized after restart? Do you see any errors from the application?
Can you make a screenshot of the error and when it occurs switch to the log tab and copy the content of the log?

Thank you,

im only having the cannot connect issue and its intermittent

Not sure what you mean, can you make a screenshot of the error? Are you having issues when sending/receiving emails or with any other features?

Thank you,

it hasn’t done it since earlier Paul, I will screen shot next time it happens but its the same message as the original one that everybody seems to be itching about.
Cannot connect to server… like the dns goes screwy. I click ignore now… its just a pita.

Hi again Paul, so if I understand this correctly except this message being displayed you don’t have any issues actually while receving/sending email or with any other features of the client?

Thank you,

yep spot on

and im used to the inmail jingle now after struggling with outlook and Zimbra desktop

Unfortunately sometimes the application can display some errors based on minor connectivity issues between the client and the server, if all is functioning properly you can even hide these errors from showing in settings.
We’re working on these issues so some of these errors are not displayed in future releases. I understand this can get a bit annoying.

Thank you for understanding,

The errors aren’t the issue; it’s the underlying problem that hasn’t been corrected. I no longer get error messages, but I do still get “hangs” after the first or second mail sync. Or I click an e-mail and the client just says “downloading message part” forever, never actually displaying the message. If I shut down and restart the program, boom, there’s the e-mail.

Hi again Rick, I know you’ve went through the process with us once already, but can you please enable IMAP logging for the problematic account under Tools > Settings > Advanced, save the settings and keep your application running until the issue occurs? When you replicate the issue while the logging is enabled, go back to the advanced settings window and click on “Send Logs” and send us the logs to [email protected] or to my email [email protected].

Thank you, sorry for the inconvenience,

I am using eMClientversion 6.0.20648.0 - the Softmaker edition.  I use only one Gmail IMAP account, and my experience for some months has been that I now only rarely get “stalls” in mail synchronization that cause eMClient to fully freeze.  I do get delays in the process at times, and sometimes I have to shut down emClient to get a synchronization effort to complete, but nowhere near as often as I did 3- 6 months ago.  IMHO the eMClient team is doing something very well with the most recent builds.

ditto , but it would be good to get a sample group and find out there environmental settings too. I think the issue is not product specific but somewhere dll’s arent playing nicely or their coding rules are too rigid with not enough options for self remedy when a statement is true…

Hi Bob, if you’re using eM Client for SoftMaker, please contact the SoftMaker support in order to resolve your issue.

Thank you,

Hi Paul McGregor - Thanks for that reminder.  Actually, I do use Softmaker Support, but my posting on your bulletin board was only intended to publicly state that my version of eMClient was improved in its handling of Gmail’s IMAP servers.

Thank you for showing your support.
