Considering buying eM Client - Sync with Open Xchange possible?

We’re looking for a new email client capable of syncing calendar, tasks and contacts with Open-Xchange. I tried to set it up with the free version of the eM client but i couldn’t get it to sync.
Here are the Error Logs i got:

15:52:31 [email protected] [Exchange Web Services]  MailExceptions.ConnectionException: Couldn’t get server version.

15:52:31    bei MailClient.Protocols.Exchange.ExchangeFolderSynchronizer.b__0(WorkerStatus param0, CancellationToken param1)

15:52:31 bei MailClient.Protocols.Exchange.ExchangeGenericCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)

15:52:31 bei MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)

Does eM Client solely with Microsoft Exchange servers?
Thanks in advance,


Hi Sebastian, you should be able to setup the Open-Xchange account in eM Client, but not with Exchange Web Services, you can setup the account as IMAP and as CalDav/CardDav accounts.

Hope this helps,

Hi Paul,

thanks for your answer. since we use the sync via exchange on multiple devices, we’re a little concerned mixing different methods of syncing with the server. maybe you’ll add something like the activesync protocol in android, making this method avaliable in the future. i will follow the development of your client.

swift support anyway. kind regards,

Hi again Sebastian, ActiveSync protocol is completely different, we can’t use it with the Exchange server due to licensing, it’s meant mostly for mobile devices. I can assure you that these protocols are compatible with each other, and quite honestly using Exchange Web Services protocol you get the maximum possible from the Exchange server, that’s one out of many great features of eM Client that we support this protocol.

Thank you, let us know if you have any other questions or issues with the application,