Connection Failed on Two Accounts

Both my email accounts for Spectrum Roadrunner are not working. I checked Spectrum and all emails are showing up there so it must be something with Em Client. Any clues on what to do? They were working fine yesterday and this just started when I fired up computer this morning. I tried closing Client, rebooting computer but nothing works.

Windows or MAC?
Version of eM Client you are running?
Any popup error messages?
Any errors posted in MENU > OPERATIONS > LOG ?
Have tried closing VPN, Anti-Virus?
Have you tried re-booting your router?

Windows 10, no error messages just the can’t connect exclamation point. I turned off Bitdefender and it still won’t work. Router is working fine. I can access the internet with no problem. Also I’m still getting emails in my Spectrum account so that is working.

Have you double checked that the email client set-up instructions are correct for Spectrum? Wrong port assignments are not reported in errors.

Go to “Menu”, “Accounts”, “Diagnose”. If it shows an error, Click"fix".

It was working fine yesterday!

Thanks that worked. For some reason EmClient was blocking the Spectrum emails. Said they seemed suspicious!

I have the same problem regularly. Took a while to figure it out. Problem is, the program keeps erroring.

I experienced the same problem, The solution that worked for me was: under Account setting for the offending Mailbox change “mail dot brighthouse dot com” to “mail dot twc dot com” and select "Use SSL/TLS on special port (legacy).

Thanks. I’ll try that.