Configurazione Legalmail - lasciare i messaggi di posta sul server

Come si può configurare eM Client con Legalmail per non far cancellare i messaggi dal server? Se sposto la mail da posta in arrivo, non posso più visionarlo sulla webmail. Grazie

Hello Enzo,

If you set your email account with IMAP protocol, then your emails will remain on the server.

If it’s set as POP3, it is the nature of this protocol to delete the emails from the server after they are received by the email client. However, you can change the settings to keep the emails on server also for POP3 accounts in Menu > Tools > Accounts > Your POP3 account > POP3.


Thank you for your response.
My mail account is a pec, with different settings:



I just checked the Legalmail settings and they are not different from other servers. If your account is set as IMAP, then all changes you make in eM Client are reflected on the server. If you’re missing emails on your webmail, please check if you didn’t move them to the Local folders (these are not synced with the server).


Le versioni successive alla 8.2.1706 non consentono di scaricare le mail dalla PEC Infocert…non posso usufruire dei vostri aggiornamenti

try adding these to your registry - Let me know if it helped. (and unless you are running no longer supported OS, it should be enabled by default)

il problema con le nuove versioni è solo sulla PEC Infocert (Legalmail)…non riesce a collegarsi ai server.
Con la versione 8.2.1706 non ho questo problema.
Solo sulla PEC…tutte le altre mail funzionano correttamente dopo l’aggiornamento.