From chatting to support, there’s no way to achieve this at the moment. But the following partial workaround was suggested…
Thanks for this request. I think what everyone reminders as the feature where “the weekends were colored differently” is actually an effect of different coloring based on your set work week under Menu > Settings > Calendar.
You can see in the picture I’ve set my work week to Monday - Friday 9-5 and so anything outside of that is a darker grey. You can set yours to be 12-12 Monday - Friday and then just the weekends would be a different color
If you want to adjust this in the theme editor, it would be NonWorkingHoursBackground under Calendar.
Unfortunately this isn’t of much use to me as I mostly use the month view, and the workaround only applies to the week view. I’m also self-employed, so keep irregular work days / hours, and the workaround depends on setting Sat & Sun to non-work days, which is of no use to me.
Not sure if anything’s planned for the future with this, but it doesn’t look like there’ll be any way to easily highlight weekends across all calendar views any time soon.