Colored WordPad text is going to next line

When I copy and paste some text from Wordpad, say…

“blah blah, colored blah, etc.”

it seems to get sent as:

“blah blah,
colored blah, etc.”

[colored blah = text I selected in WordPad and assigned a color to]

Can you recreate it?
Is this something you might fix w/o me having to choose plain text formatting?
Or is it too specific to bother with?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I was unable to simulate the issue - what version of eM Client are you using?

eM Client 4.151.45
WordPad in Win 7 (v6.1 it seems)

I did some further testing and I can’t repeat it starting from a new WordPad document…

However, when I color or copy a few words / lines in an older large WordPad file, I’m getting it every time.

You don’t see it when you paste it, but only if you save it first or send it and go back to look at it.


If I first paste from the large file into a new file and then on to eM, I don’t get it either.

So for now, I’ll consider it a quirk in the WordPad formatting.

It may be because the large file was started in XP or something.
Win 7 added more colors for WordPad, so maybe it’s adding some extra control character to older colors that’s now tripping up eM.


Could you please copy the text into an email again, save it to .eml format and send it to me? Thank you.

[email protected]

Sent, thanks.

Seems it’s doing it with every first colored instance in a new paragraph.

I copied all the content in a new WordPad file and it seems ok now. So that would be my best solution.

However, all other rtf’s coming from XP still do it, so I’m pretty sure it’s a quirk that arises from opening older files in a newer OS (and possibly to do with the extra color assignments in WordPad after XP).

So, if you want to emulate it, make a file on XP WordPad first. But I will be fine, thx.