Close original email on Reply or Forward

George - Thanks very much for your reply.Very re-assuring to make it optional.
For me it’s counter-intuitive (even from a historical perspective) to put the original aside when replying and it’s certainly not the norm for all email clients as some commenters seem to imply.

I’m not surprised that it was put on low priority ,but I am surprised at the pettiness that people display with regards to this issue, even to the point
of delaying the purchase or further use.
All I can say about that is - Get a Life.

As the original poster of this issue go get yourself a life… I’ve used MS Outlook ever since it was released with this feature, I’ve got used to having it and I’m not about to purchase a product that forces me to work in a different way if I feel its a feature regression. You just proved my point.
Are you still using Win2k or possiblly NT ?

On the radar isn ́t still enough for 2 years. This is a standard featrue in most email clients. I think they can better :slight_smile:


there is clos on send option in 6th version which willl be released in few weeks.

with regards

That’s great to hear Jan. I was having a huge issue with this the other day (and always). I end up replying twice to people thinking I did not reply.

Looking forward to this update.

Hello Jan,

Thanks ,good solution which was actually my other choice,but didn’t mention it in my previous comments.
It avoids showing the original when you’re really finished with your reply.
It also gives me the chance to keep the originals open for reference on my multi-monitor system when replying.

Posted in June 2013: “there is clos (sic) on send option in 6th version which willl be released in few weeks”

Where is version 6 download? Site still shows version 5.

Mine still shows 5 as well.

above your post there is link to topic with information about beta version and link to download it :slight_smile:

If you want full release then please wait, beta testing phase should not take too long.