Clear notifications when iOS app opened or emails read

New emails add notifications on iOS, which is as expected.

However, when I open the app, those notifications stay there. I end up in a situation where I have cleared all my emails from the inbox, but the notifications stay in iOS. When I go to check my notifications, I see 20+ emails from eM Client, even though no new emails have come in.

As a bare minimum, notifications should be cleared when the app is opened.

Other email apps clear the notification list. Some (e.g. the iOS Outlook app) also clear a notification if an email is read elsewhere. For example, I get an email notification from the Outlook app, but I read that email on my desktop, and the notification disappears from iOS. This makes the iOS notification list very useful, as I know they are all unread emails.

Any chance of copying the Outlook app behaviour?

Yes I see the Gmail app is able to automatically remove iOS new mail notifications once you open the Gmail app and the new email appears in the Gmail inbox.

So would be good if eM Client mobile app could do that as well.

Same here.

I use the mobile app with IMAP accounts. IOS App.
The push notifications work very well,
but when the app is then started to download/synchronize the emails,
these push notifications/messages are not deleted.
They ALWAYS have to be deleted manually.
I’ve already tried everything, so I assume it’s a bug !??

Please make sure to change this

I reported the problem and was also told that this would not work!

But it works with other email apps like Apple or Outlook, all messages are deleted when the app is started…

I really hope the developers take another look at this !!!

I’m also missing this feature as it works with other mail apps too

This seems to be fixed with one the updates from today (tested with 10.2.1445)

It certainly seems to kind of work… though it looks a big buggy. Not all notifications are cleared.

One reproducible case is if I delete an email without opening it or marking it as read. The notification for that email is not cleared.

I think notifications should be cleared once a message is either marked as read, or moved out of the inbox.

For me the notification disappears and also the badge count gets updated if I move an unread mail to the trash. There’s also a setting to mark mails as read if you move them to the trash but I haven’t activated that.

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I noticed an update about 12 hours ago (to version 10.2.1465) and it seems to be improved. However, I just noticed I have notifications for two emails that have not cleared. I checked the Trash and sure enough, those two emails are there marked as unread.

Just to be clear – I am deleting these emails from another email client, not from eM Client. Then when I open eM Client on iOS, it updates and clears most of the notifications. However, some hang around.

It seems to be intermittent – most deleted emails have the notifications cleared, but some do not. For the ones do that not clear, if I read the email in Trash (so that it is marked as read), the notication is cleared.


I checked the Trash and sure enough, those two emails are there marked as unread.

Just to be clear – I am deleting these emails from another email client, not from eM Client.

I would suggest then to enable “mark messages as read after moved to trash” as @kennymc.c advised, as more than likely (they have to have read status) before the notification will go away.
Update this thread if that then fixes the problem.

Would need support to advised if the current iOS app should be removing the new mail notifications when unread emails are sent to the bin.

This did not work.

I enabled that option on iOS eM Client, then deleted an unread in in the Gmail web interface. After a few minutes, I opened eM Client on iOS and let it sync. That email remained unread, and the notification did not clear.

I suspect that option only marks an email read if I delete the email within eM Client.


This did not work

I enabled that option on iOS eM Client, then deleted an unread in in the Gmail web interface. After a few minutes, I opened eM Client on iOS and let it sync. That email remained unread, and the notification did not clear.

That won’t normally work that way “as you are deleting the email remotely while it’s still unread status”. That can only work within the app locally.

Try just “only opening the eM Client app” with that option enabled to mark as read after moved to trash and then see if the new mail notification goes away. If it still doesn’t then could be a bug.

Just noticed this. I clear new emails on my PC in emclient, but the many new email notifications still remain on my iphone. I have seen them hide under past notifications, that u have to swipe up again, along with other notifications from over a week ago…sigh. Gotta love iOS.

No need for that option. If I delete an unread email from within eM Client, the notification goes away even if the email stays unread.

The bigger issue is how notifications should be handled if eM Client detects an email is deleted. If I have eM Client installed on my iPhone and iPad, and I delete an email from my webmail interface, does it mean I have to go and manually clear those notifications on each instance of eM Client?

Also, note the inconsistency:

  • Mark email as read in iOS eM Client → Notification cleared.
  • Delete unread email in iOS eM Client → Notification cleared.
  • Mark email as read in webmail then open eM Client → Notification cleared.
  • Delete unread email in webmail then open eM Client → Notification NOT cleared.

No amount of reasoning can convince me that this is by design.

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Does your webmail client marks deleted mails as read? That would explain why the notifications doesn’t get deleted in that case.
Otherwise I don’t think it’s possible to sync read marks and other things like when a mail has been moved in the background like push for new mails. You always need to open the app for that to start the sync process.

This is the Gmail web interface. It does not change the read status when an email is deleted.

I have no issue with having to open eM Client on iOS to clear the notifications; however, as I mentioned be the behaviour is inconsistent.

@zedman, could you please check other than gmail account in your tests? Gmail accounts are a bit specific in terms of message identification and there is a pending issue to be addressed on notification server, which resolution might help (in the future). I also suspect the “unread” flag takes precedence over the move (thus - as your posts might imply - the notification dismissal might not be performed). If that is the case, it will be fixed.

I just tested it with an IMAP account, and that seems to work fine.

If I delete an unread email from the IMAP account’s webmail interface, then open eM Client on iOS, the notification is cleared for that email.

So it may be Gmail-specific, after all.