When typing a name in the address bar for a new email, emClient suggests contacts. However, these suggestions include obsolete or incorrect emails, and we would like to clean them up. Ideally, there should be a right-click ‘Forget me’ option. Even by going into Contacts and selecting all possible directories, these unwanted addresses cannot be found. They probably come from a sending history? So my question is ‘how to clean up?’ and what do you think of the ‘right-click forget me’ suggestion?
We offer address suggestions from your contacts, but also from the recipient history and from messages in your Sent folders.
For those suggestions coming from the recipient history, you can forget them. Just click the X to the right of the suggestion.
For the others, if the address is incorrect in the contact, you can find the contact and edit it. For suggestions from Sent folders, you will need to disable the setting in Menu > Settings > Mail > Compose > Email Address Suggestions.