Change of Microsoft Authentication Methods

I was told in an email from MS today that i need to “Update your sign-in technology before September 16th, 2024 to maintain email access” when using a third-party app.
What do i need to do (if anything) please?

We gave instructions on what to do some years ago when Microsoft first started the change.

In case you missed it, we have a copy here in our blog: Microsoft disables Basic authentication for all accounts | eM Client

Thanks very much for that Gary. I’ve set up a second account automatically. I think it went OK, although i didn’t actually have to enter a password on the login-live webpage when it opened - it just said Continue. However, i don’t really understand the last bit. My old account had POP and SMTP ticked. (I’ve tried in vain over the years to get my head round this POP/IMAP thing, but every time i think i’ve got it sussed, something happens that convinces me that i must have misunderstood.)

My second account has only what i presume are the eMC default folders? I have lots of additional folders in my old email that i have created over the years (in eMC, not on the server). All the messages are either in a folder called Private or in subfolders (and sub-subfolders) under Private. Should i just drag and drop them? If so, how exactly. I mean drop Private where exactly? Presumably, then i can delete my old account?

Hi Gary:

We followed those instructions a while back, but we’d like to ask you one question before we remove the account from eM Client that is using the old technology.

The old account is showing more email messages in the Inbox than the account we set up via the automatic process and is using the new authentication method. It is also showing different numbers for the other folders as you can see in the attached screenshot.

This is happening to all the free Microsoft accounts we have set up.

We don’t want to delete the old account from eM Client until we know for sure that the new one is pulling in all the correct information.

Do you have any one else reporting this or any information for this issue?

Thanks in advance.


emClient Screenshot 10

The old account is showing more email messages in the Inbox than the account we set up via the automatic process and is using the new authentication method. It is also showing different numbers for the other folders as you can see in the attached screenshot.

If you are adding in the same MS Outlook IMAP account as you already had before just with the newer authentication method, the server mail and folders will normally be “exactly the same”.

As you advised the new same account has less, that normally either means there could be a eg: Restriction in your new account setup with only keeping X amount of messages, or if you are synching All time messages, then it probably is just not completed as yet and will take longer.

So check via “Menu / Accounts” in your account IMAP tab / Sync Options if it’s set to “All Time”.

Now if the IMAP account is already set to All Time, click Refresh at the top left and then click Show Operations via the dropdown arrow on the right of Refresh and see if it’s still synching the new acct.

I am currently using an em Client POP3 account to access

Following the instructions in the blog article : “Microsoft disables Basic authentication for all accounts | eM Client”, I was able to create an IMAP account. However, I could not find a way to create a POP3 account with the newer authentication.

When I created the IMAP account I checked the options,

  • “Download messages for offline use and to search in message bodies”
  • “Include attachments to search in attached documents”
    Does this in effect do the same thing as a POP3 account?

How can I create a POP3 account with OAuth2?


I was able to create an IMAP account. However, I could not find a way to create a POP3 account with the newer authentication

As @Gary advised in the thread link near the top, Microsoft has disabled legacy POP acct username and password logins and you are now required to setup an Outlook IMAP account as per the eM Client instructions only via the automatic account wizard as you have done.

So you can no longer use POP with MS accounts using just a legacy name and password. Google have also done the same with their Gmail accounts in the last year.

You also can’t use POP with OAuth2 token setups with MS accounts (only IMAP and other non POP type accounts like Exchange, Office 365 & iCloud).

So if you have any existing MS POP accounts setup in eM Client, you will need to drag / move those messages and any custom POP message folders created up to your new MS IMAP account. Then once you are confident they are all there, remove your old MS POP account.

Does this in effect do the same thing as a POP3 account.

IMAP accounts still have the same email folders etc, but (unlike POP accounts) they store all the email on the server mailbox end, where then all your devices mail clients “receive and send all the same email”. So is a much better option.

You can then also take advantage of the free eM Client mobile app via the Playstore or iOS App store “to have the same mail on it” as it’s IMAP.