Change line spacing when composing an email

I can’t find an option to change the line spacing when composing an email. Meaning, select the text and choose a 1.15x, 1.5x or 2x line spacing or add spacing before or after paragraphs. I was able to cut and paste some text with the settings I wanted into a template and that works for the most part. But if I copy and paste text from another email, even if I paste it as plain text, it ignores the line spacing and I can’t find a way to adjust it. my only option seems to be to retype it all.
Being able to have some extra spacing after a paragraph really helps with readability, especially when the last sentence of the paragraph ends near the edge of the page

without the extra space it looks like it’s a continuation of the same paragraph, but a double return is too much

vote to have it implemented here Change line spacing | New Feature | eM Client