Change color of links visited

I was using version 6 of eM Client and got a pop up to update so I did.  I didn’t realize updating was going to put me on a completely different version but now I’m on version 7 and and I’m getting used to all the changes which are not a problem (though I think some things were better placed in 6).  However, I do have one issue and that is I get a couple emails daily that have multiple links that I have to quickly click down the list which can be anywhere from 5 to 40 links.  On version 6 these links would change from blue to purple once I had visited them.  I noticed immediately after changing to version 7, these links no longer changes color when visited, or maybe there’s a setting to make it change but I’ve been unable to find it. If this is not a feature in version 7, is there a way for me to go back to version 6? 


We’re sorry for the inconvenience. There are plans to eventually change the link color, albeit we can’t provide a specific time frame. If you’d like to downgrade to version 6 in the meantime, please see the instructions below:

For going back to the old version it is necessary to uninstall version 7 and re-install version 6 (available from “Link:”). If you haven’t deleted the version 6 database during the installation of version 7, you don’t have to do anything else.

If you have deleted the database, it will be necessary to deal with the change of the database structure between version 6 and 7:
Do you have any data stored locally or do you have it on the server? If you have all your data on the server , we would recommend starting with a new database after the re-installation of version 6. If eM Client can’t find the database folder in the default location (C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming) with the default name (‘eM Client’), it will create a new one. In order to start with a new database, simply turn eM Client off and rename the ‘eM Client’ folder to e.g. ‘eM Client old database’. Please do note that starting with a new database will reset your program settings.
If you have some locally stored data , you will unfortunately need to Export this data from version 7 through Menu ->File ->‘Export…’ function into universal formats (such as .eml for e-mails), that can then be imported into version 6 through File -> ‘Import…’


Thanks!  That’s encouraging!  I look forward to that change.  

I’ll probably keep 7 now that I’m getting used to reading off the links as I click them.  But this is good info and I plan on printing it out just in case.

Thank you!