Change and separate reply font

When replying to a message, we often have in-line text to respond directly to items in the original message.  Typically, email clients separate the new text from the old with some characters (e.g. [|}]) and change the color of the reply text so it is easy to see which is the original and which is the response.  I do not see this in eM Client.  Am I missing something?


Hi Dan, I hope I understand correctly that you’re looking for the reply formatting settings.
Please go to Tools > Settings > Mail > Replies and Forwards.

You should have the option to “Include and indent original message text” for replies and you can setup the reply header.

This should be setup automatically from the initial setup and when replying or forwarding messages it should separate each message by the header.

Hope this helps,

That’s kind of correct and I have done this.  But when I type in-line replies the font is exactly the same as th original message so it looks like the text is part of the original message.  it should be another colr and there should be a separator of some kind between the original text and the response text.  For instance:

     How often do you do pushups? [|] twice a year

The response above could also be in an alternate color. The separator is inserted automatically when I start to type on that line. Most of the clients I have checked out do this.


This is not possible in eM Client, I have not found the option on other solutions, I’ll be happy to check it out for a possible consideration for future releases.
But automatic formatting when editing the original message on a reply, is not possible.

Thank you for understanding,

In an effort to find a work-around for the inability to see the difference between original text and reply text, I believe I found a bug.

I decided to try changing the font color myself when replying inline to specific questions.  Using the font color drop-down, I changed the font color to something different (not black) which worked fine.  The color button showed the new color.  But when I went to the next question and clicked on the color button, the color wasn’t picked up.  Typing continued in the text color of the original email.  The dropdown showed the new color selected but it didn’t do anything in the body of the email.  I had to pick from the drop-down every time.

Hopefully this is helpful.


Hi again Dan, do you think it would be possible to screenshot this issue?
What version of eM Client are you currently using?

Thank you,

Version is 6.0.20733.0
screenshot sent to your email since I don’t see a way to attach or upload  it.  Also, the email itself is the demo in the screenshot so you can see it directly. 
I know that sometimes it’s hard to figure out what someone is trying to tell you.

Hi, unfortunately I can’t see an email with the screenshot, can you please try to attach the screenshot here? When adding a new reply, the formatting options are displayed, click on the little camera button and upload the image. Then it will be added to your reply.

Thank you,

Hi again Dan, if I understand this correctly, that is the intended behavior, the button does not set a default color for the whole message, it sets a current color.
So if you start typing in blue and then select a part of a text that has setup a blue formatting, it will reselect the black color for text, and thus indeed you have to change it back to the blue color.

Unfortunately there’s nothing we could do about this, but I believe this is quite a standard behavior for all text editors.

…unless of course I did not understand the issue properly.

Thank you,

I think you understood the issues almost properly but the button is useless.  Any time you click in an area of text in just about any application you will type in the style and color of the current text. 

Having a button on the drop-down allows you to quickly get another color whenever you want it.  It’s like using the drop-down but the color is already selected.  It doesn’t change the default of the message, it just allows you to quickly access the last color you selected if you want to use it again. Otherwise the button is literally useless.  Just placing the cursor somewhere gives you the current color at that location.  The drop-down, and its button, are if you want to change the current color.  Having a button that replicates the current color doesn’t do anything.

I hope I explained it better this time.  It’s hard for me to understand why a button would exist that doesn’t change anything.


Hi Dan, I understand what you would like to see. But unfortunately this is intended behavior, we’ll consider improving this in future releases, but please note eM Client is not a word processor and some advanced features such as Word’s automatic color memory, are not available, of course the application is being developed and wanted features (requested by a larger number of users) are always being considered for implementation.

But please understand this is not an issue.

Thank you,

Word and expect nothing like that kind of editing capability.  My real problem was the difficult separating the original text from the reply in in-line responses.  I was looking for a workaround.  This one isn’t it.

With that said, what exactly does the button do?  It seems to change the text to the color it already is.  I seems to do nothing.  Is this correct?


The button changes the color when you need it, but the default state just indicates the color you currently have selected instead of the last used color. I don’t think that can be considered for nothing.
Unfortunately changing reply color is not a feature of eM Client, we’ll consider adding the feature to future releases, but I can’t think of a possible workaround, hope you can manage to use the current settings.

Thank you,

I apologize.  I’m not trying to be insulting.  Please forgive me for my tone. 

I meant that the drop-down changes color as expected.  I’m not sure what the button to the immediate left of the drop-down arrow does.  When I click on it, nothing happens.  It picks up the color of the text in the location you click.

Hi Dan, 
not really sure what you mean, the button to the left changes the size of the font. But if you mean the A with the color box below, that is the part of the color change button.
I think I understand what you mean, the button should work as one large button instead it’s forcing you to click on the dropdown arrow, but the A is a part of the button.

Although it indicated the current selected color so if you have multiple colors in a single row, you know which you’ll start typing with. It sometimes occurs to me that I click somewhere into the text where black color ends and another one start, but instead of typing in Black as desired I start to type in the another color, this can occur for example when you have empty space formatted.

Hope this helps, I’ll suggest to the developers if there could be something done about the button so it works as one piece.

Thank you,

Now we’re on the same page.  Yes, I thought the button would have a different function from he dropdown but what it really does is indicate the current color.   I should have explained that better from the beginning.  Since it the button and the dropdown arrow were separate although joined, I expected the button to be a quick-select of the last color chosen from the drop-down as it often is in other products.  Now I get it.  Thanks for being patient with me.

Hi again, no worries Dan, I’m glad we’ve cracked it, as I mentioned earlier I’ll suggest an improvement for future releases, and we’ll consider adding it.
Thank you for your input on this and let us know if you come across any other questions, issues or ideas, we’ll be happy to take a look at it.
