CardDAV and IMAP errors with Yahoo

Just downloaded and installed. Getting pop ups complaining about errors related to IMAP and CardDAV. Data seems to sync - mail and contacts are synced, but the errors reocurr.

IMAP error says cannot open folder. It can, because the data makes it to the client.
CardDAV error says An attempt to connect to the failed. Could be caused by server unavailability or incorrect settings. Contacts sync both ways.

FYI… This is a legacy (AT&T) email account that AT&T has pushed out to yahoo. I’m connected to on 993 and

Interesting simple to operate email client for my older mom to use. Need the errors to go away, or at least be hidden as it seems to work, but has occasional connectivity issues.

Seems that there are always issues with Yahoo. For an error free experience, consider a different email provider. :slight_smile:

I have the same problems and I use gmail!