Can't find deleted messages

using free version of EMClient. Will buy Pro version because of more accounts.
Just found if I delete message, I can’t find deleted mail. Have nothing in trash.

Any idea please?
I lost some important messages because of this…
Thank you

I don’t recall that I had this problem. I bought the Pro version because I could not open either of my Gmail accounts. With Pro version I had no trouble accessing the 2 Gmail accounts as well as my personal account and deleted mail goes to the Trash folder.

Yes the Free version is restricted to 2 email accounts.

René, who is your email provider?

Gary, With thunderbird or outlook trash works fine.

If you login to the web interface for Platon, can you see the deleted messages?

I checked web interface, don’t see deleted mails there.

Using the web interface, if you delete a message, is it visible in the trash? Can you also see that in the trash in eM Client.

Yes. If I delete message via web interface, I see message in trash (in web interface) and in EM Client trash.

Right-click on the Trash folder in eM Client and choose Properties > Repair. See if that makes any difference.

sorry I forget to answer. Didn’t help it

It could be that eM Client is not fully compatible with your email provider. Or maybe the deleted messages are in a Local Folder. Right-click on Smart Folders and choose Display > Trash. See if they are in the Smart Folder Trash.