I too was having the problem to reopen-to-edit a draft but I think the answer - in my case using Windows 7 - was to look at the email client icon on the taskbar. I discovered 4 “sub-icons” of my draft document. I seem to be able to click on any 1 of my 4 email subject headings and et voila, the draft opens for editing. I hope this helps!
This is the definitive answer - please move it to the top! Double-click the item that is in the Drafts folder to continue to edit the draft/unfinished mail. Thank you Paul, Technical Support, Employee, on behalf of everybody else who was trying to find the answer!
So I can see this problem was reported here 2 years ago and it’s still not resolved.
Emails written somewhere else and saved in Draft, whether it is the Gmail web app (www.gmail.com) or the Android Gmail app, the text cannot be edited with emClient.
The big question is, will you or will you not fix this issue?
I would appreciate that very much because I can’t use emClient without being able to edit my own messages from draft.
Hello Josef,
this older post does not specify that the issue was with gmail. From the comments, it seems the users just didn’t know they had to double-click the message or they moved a composed message back to Drafts folder (which does NOT change it to draft).
The current issue with Gmail drafts however is that Gmail does not add the Draft indicator to the message saved in its Drafts folder, making it look as a finished, non-editable item in IMAP stream.
We’ll try to find a work-around, but at this time, we cannot fix this issue from our side.
For now, using the ‘Forward as Original’ option can help opening the message for editing again, though it will remove the original Recipient address.
Thanks Olivia for your explanation, that would be really nice if you could find a work-around to this issue. Not being able to edit my messages that I started on my Android device renders this app almost useless for me.
Thanks again, Josef
User here with EMC7 and Win10 and imap. No problem when I use outlook.com, but with gmail, I have to go into gmail and edit/send. Drafts using gmail sender has not worked for me, ever. (Dec2016)
For same draft e-mails including those from gmail, thunderbird has a clear edit button/function to make the draft editable. I am wondering why this cannot be implemented in em-client.
The same here. Just installed EM client and it looks promising.
But, if I create a Draft message in Postbox (Postbox-inc) or in Gmail Web - the mail shows in Drafts folder, but does not have a red label “[Draft]” and is NOT editable.
The only way I have managed, is to go Edit > Forward > Forward as Original.
That is still a problem because original Draft message leaves at Drafts folder :(
Can it be fixed?
Who would ever think of using “Forward as Original” as a means to edit a draft? It works but it is not an obvious solution. Why not make the task straightforward by providing an “Edit” link, like Gmail does? That is, you open the email in the Draft folder; click on the edit" link in the email. The email opens as a “fresh” email ready to edit or send.
Draft message always should be editable.It is difficult to manage without having the this option of edit in draft messages.
eM Devs please provide some patch for that.
I’ve just started using eMClient an I’m concerned that I’m experiencing the same problem that was first reported many years ago!
In my case it seems that emails – created in EMClient – that have a “to” email address added to them *cannot* be edited from the Drafts folder; but any emails that do not yet have a “to” address *can* be edited. Very strange!
I am having the same problem!
Joining the line here.
I am having similar problems with drafts:
Startet writhing an email, now it is saved in drafts, even marked as “draft” in it’s timestamp. But when i try to open it (by double clicking) it opens up as a regular mail.
Windows 10, current emClient-Version (7.1.3…), self hosted imap.
Wow, I thought this was some small thing that I was doing wrong. Dealbreaker. Uninstalling eM Client and looking elsewhere. I really liked the rest of the application but that’s unacceptable.
- Jason
Same here. But I am also noticing that it saves drafts of the same email. I sometimes have to walk away to do something and may come back a few times to complete one email, and I see multiple drafts, each with a different amount of info so it appears that instead of appending to the existing draft, it creates a new draft of the same email, just with more detail than the last!
This is because of the auto save feature, which defaults to saving a version every 3 minutes. Those multiple drafts will be deleted when the message is sent. You can turn this feature off or change the save interval by going to menu/tools/settings/mail/compose.
Thanks Jay. But I am also noticing that even after I send the email, the remaining drafts do not delete so I sometimes have to go in and just make sure I see the email in the sent folder before I delete those rogue drafts…I still think that it should autosave to the same draft and not create multiple drafts every 3 minutes.
Agreed with Ed on both points. And you shouldn’t have to turn off “Automatically save drafts” to work around this. That’s very dangerous.
This isn’t hard. Gmail works correctly. em Client can easily imitate that behavior for the correct implementation.
When you turn it off, eM Client doesn’t create a draft “folder” item unless you close the email prior to it being sent, then it prompts you if you want to save the draft. Gmail, on the other hand, creates the draft item and does not prompt you if you close it prior to sending and the draft will stay there until you do something about it. In this case, I think the eM Client handling is better and just as safe.
Also, eM Client keeps (temporarily) changes made to the document, so you can revert back to a previous draft if you so desire.
You don’t have to turn it off, just change the interval. I use eM Client gmail and I never have a problem with drafts-- they always delete themselves appropriately.
Jay, I’m glad it works for you. I still cannot edit a draft in em if it was started in gmail. I’m not willing to use the “Forward as Original” and re-address, and so far it hasn’t shown evidence that it will clean up the intermediate drafts automatically. And I also don’t want to be prompted to save a draft.
It sounds like we favor different approaches. eM Client’s is not for me. Again, it’s too bad, because so much else about the program is excellent! But this is something I bump into dozens of times a day.
- Jason