Cannot modify a system group

I have a problem with my latest emclient 9.1.2109. I have a message like :
[Google Contacts] Creating or updating the ‘[email protected]/Contacts/Collègues de travail’ folder failed for the following error: Cannot modify a system group.

The ‘Collègues de travail’ folder is empty and cannot be deleted.

I have checked my google contacts, I don’t have any folder named ’ 'Collègues de travail.

Do you have any idea how to fix this?

Please go to the Contacts section of eM Client, then by right-click on the Gmail Contacts folder, choose Properties > Repair > Repair. This will resync the contacts with Google and the error should disappear.

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately repair didn’t work. So I deleted account and then I recreated. Now it works.

One reason it would not have worked, is if you right-clicked on the incorrect folder. It needed to be the Contacts folder, not the one specified in the error.

Removing and readding the account again does a similar thing but applied to all data in the account; removing it and then syncing it again from the server. It can affect some unsynced data, but if that is all that worked . . . . .