cannot link hotmail account

Hi - I cannot set up my Hotmail account. The error message says that it cannot connect to the account. Could anyone please provide some advice?
Note that connecting to my gmail account was fine.

Hello Zak,
what version of eM Client are you running?

You might experience problems with your hotmail account if you have them setup using AirSync.

AirSync is a mail protocol that has been discontinued by Microsoft. All hotmail and adresses are being migrated to Exchange protocol.
You will need to remove your account from eM Client and then either set ip up as Exchange or IMAP (if your particular account hasnt been migrated yet).

If you just installed version 7 the Automatic setup should work for you now. If it doesn’t, you will need to setup the account manually.
To set up your account manually go to Tools>Accounts > New Account and instead of Automatic setup choose Mail>Exchange or Mail>Other.
For IMAP settings your incoming server is and outgoing is


Zak, if you need more specific details, read this conversation and focus on John A’s comments for the two setup methods (IMAP and Exchange):