Cannot edit text when Replying to a Reply

First, thank you for a very nice product!  I have been using eM Client for about a year now and am very impressed with it.

When I reply to an original received email there is an editing toolbar at the top of the text area that I can use to underline text, etc. However, if I am Replying back to a Replied email, there is no editing toolbar available. Therefore I am unable to underline, etc. Can this please be checked and corrected in a future release.

Thanks for your support.


Hi Don, is it possible you’ve received the message in a plain-text format? eM Client by default uses the formatting used in the received message for replies, you can adjust this in the application settings under Tools > Settings > Mail > Compose > Mail format for reply > HTML.

Using this option all replies should be with HTML formatting allowing you to edit the formatting of the text.

Hope this helps,