Calling a number in a signature


if someone has an email in his signature you can write to this email by clicking on it

with a phone number it should also be possible to start the call by clicking on it

To make a phone number clickable or pressable in a signature, you normally just highlight it and click “Insert Link” and then add “tel:” infront of the number as in the below example.

This works ok using eM Client V10 desktop client when the email is received, and also worked ok using the Google Gmail mobile app when received, but unfortunately “doesn’t work in eM Client V10 mobile droid app” when received.

Using the eM Client mob app, when you press your finger on the phone number it does nothing at all.
Using the Google mail app, when you press your finger on the phone number your droid dialer appears.

yes looks like this is not supported in the emclient
for one and the same mail it works with airmail but not with emclient
I have no influence on how my counterpart created the signature

The phone number “can now be pressed and dialed in a signature” using the latest android release mobile app 10.0.2643.