Calendar sync doesn't change event in google caendar if moved in emclient

Possible issue in emclient and google calendar syncing. I’ve noticed if I move an event (ex. today @ 2pm) to a new day/time (ex. tomorrow @ 11am) in emclient I receive a notification both for the original time/day of event and for the time/day I moved the event on my mobile device. In other words emclient sync to google calendar leaves the original event for notification and update for a new one (instead of removing the original calendar event).

Is there something I’m doing incorrectly in settings? Thanks!

In eM Client, create a new event. When it is saved, move it to a new date/time. You can do that by dragging the event or editing it and changing the date/time. Then open the Google Calendar web interface and see what is there. Are there two events, or just the one event in the new slot.

If there is just one, but your phone later shows two, then there is some issue with the phone app. You will need to ask the phone app vendor for assistance.