Calendar Notes / Forms (very easy doable, but great impact)

These features are both great for business goal keeping and daily routines to be integrated into em client. If used right this can be a killer feature!

  1. In the calendar you cant see the details / notes. It would be an amazing features if notes would be made seeable so you see extra details within the calendar.

Additionally think if you can make the subject able to have a line break with either alt+enter or
or \n.

Both features be great to have more information in one view!

  1. Almost use it as Forms: You can make a special repeating element that could be a regular calendar date but has one distintive features : If you repeat it it never changes all elements, so you can take it for daily repeating notes and almoszt create a form within the calendar.

This is really helpfull as you can almost build a calendar system (like e.g. Steven Covey offers= within emclient and still be fully caldav compliant.

when i hover over a item in the calendar, the text of the notes is seen , is that not enough ?
your wish may result in a mess, i fear, especially in a small display.
i understand that you want to turn it into a GTD tool and throw away what you currently have :slight_smile:
or do you want the calendar joyned with the task part of emClient?

The calendars in their current form are only a list of “static” dates basically. Meaning you have no guidance to work on or interact with the date.

Lets say for example You could have a form field directly in the calendar like:

  • most important task today
  • what shouldnt i do
  • My greatest success today
  • Task to delegate today
  • drink water at 15h checkbox
    or even a checkbox like a daily reminder you can set an work on today.

Todo List work some of the time but are also notoriously bad. I noticed that they tend to grow cause without a date to get things done it simply wont. So they just get keeping longer and the frustration higher. So having a calender as a todo list and Form workbook is a totally different thing and its easily implementable.

So e.g. currently I have two calendars. One with the active Tasks and one with tasks done, So i strg+x / v from the one calendar to the other when I got things done. But that is only the simple tool. Working quickly in the calendar is not possible with any app. Its the same basically since 199x Outlook.

The general idea is to take calendearing to the next level. German Coach Bodo Schäfer did a great comment on that saying “The problem with calendars is they are only time oriented, not goal oriented. To really have a great tool you need not only a watch but a also a compass” Thats why he created his “Chancenplaner”.

So to really advance a calendar one should think more of a date as an interactive Item to work with and also give guidance. Currently you have to click it open and do lengthy edit to change something quickly. But this shouldnt be the case. It should be as easy as on paper.

It should be possibly to click below the major headline and edit the comments if you like too. Same way it could be possibly to mark a “date” as done and gray it out. so at the end of you day you can see what has been done and what not an reschedule.

All this should be really simple. Ok you can argue I could note evertyhing directly into the headline and thats true. But I cant have line break etc there or lets say have the comments so to say the form field in a smaller size than the headline and so forth. Also if I have a series I will be always asked wether I want to change every element.

Hwoever I mean we could move this even further. Why not having a link to click on to do whatever like open a website or having a mailto:[email protected]

Calendars have never been rethought as said, they never changed. Like said since 1990 nothing happend.

And for the counter argument of it getting to messy. True, but make the font smaller and if someone hates the comments and or interactibe elements, just press ctrl+h and hide it.

I mean look, I can habe a checknox in this webpage but not in my calendar.
Thats ridicolous :smiley: in 2025

Thats meant to be a smiley, but you get the point :smiley: