Calendar invitation issue when sent to Microsoft Exchange

Hi community,

I recently discovered eM Client for myself and I quiet like it. I ran into an issue tho. So I am running a Nextcloud (Version 28.0.4) installation on a server by myself. I am using eM Client Version 9.2 on my mac. The latest beta 10 has the same issue tho. Oh yes … so this is my problem. I often set up meetings by adding a meeting to my calendar and I often add people to those meetings. Some people use Exchange/Outlook on their end. I do not send out invitations through the eM Client option to send out invitations. My nextcloud does this for me automatically as soon as I add someone to a meeting and as soon as I save this meeting through CalDAV into my nextcloud. So all the Exchange/Outlook users get my invitation but the attached .ics file is named “not supported calendar message” and my clients cant open the .ics file.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-06 um 00.19.49

This is NOT a Nextcloud issue because all other calendar programs (i.e. Calendar 366, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Calendar, Fantastical, Readdle Calendars) do NOT cause this issue when adding people to my meetings. I dug a little deeper and found out that this issue has something to do with eM client adding the time zones to the .ics file because meetings that I plan for a whole day (all day event) do not cause this issue with Exchange/Outlook. All day events work perfectly fine.

Does anybody else have this issue or does anybody have an idea how to solve this?

Kind Regards,


Because your server is sending the invitation, it is responsible for creating and naming the ics file from the calendar entry. eM Client is not involved with that at all.

Your best option is to ask NextCloud for assistance with configuring the server correctly, or fixing some error if that is responsible.

Hi Gary,

first of all thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunatly this here is not the case:

Because your server is sending the invitation, it is responsible for creating and naming the ics file from the calendar entry. eM Client is not involved with that at all.

I did the following test. I turned off the WIFI of my macbook. This is the only network connection it has at the moment. I started my eM Client and added a new event to the calendar. I right clicked on the event and chose “show as iCalendar” and the “source code” of the invite came up. Here it is:

Check the attached file emclient output while offline.txt

emclient output while offline.txt

I did not change anything in this code except for my name and my eMail. (ATTENDEE and ORGANIZER).

After that I turned on WIFI again and the invitation was sent. Not only that … I also used eM Client to send the invitation as iCalendar. (E-Mail with the .ics file as attachment)

I checked the attachment of the invite my Nextcloud sent and the file that eM Client sent directly. Both show the following message when opening them in Outlook:

Here is the code of the Nextcloud invite:

Check the attached file eM Client Invite sent through nextcloud ics - not supported calendar message.txt

eM Client Invite sent through nextcloud ics - not supported calendar message.txt

This is the attached .ics file from eM Client

Check attached emclient generated ics file as mail attachment.txt (Next post because of two link limit)

The only differences are 4 lines. Here is also an example with another client (Mozilla Thunderbird):

Check the attached file thunderbird sent through nextcloud ics.txt (Next post because of two link limit)

So if it would be correct what you wrote (that Nextcloud generates the ICS File) … shouldnt the eM Client invite sent through my Nextcloud and the Thunderbird invite sent through my Nextcloud look the same?

It also seems that you overread the fact that I tested multiple calendar application and eM Client is the only one which produces this error. All of them are attached to one and the same Nextcloud. Shouldnt all invitations have the same issue by your explanation?

Kind Regards,

  • henry

Those here are the missing two links:

emclient generated ics file as mail attachment.txt

thunderbird sent through nextcloud ics.txt


  • henry