Calendar Events as Tasks

Tasks can be ticked off as completed. Events can’t.
Events can be scheduled to repeat and I have lots of tasks to do every month or quarter or year.

So, I want tasks which are not related to emails but can be scheduled to repeat so I can tick them off.
I see the new beta Vivaldi calendar has this feature … just a tiny tickbox when creating an “Event”

Without this feature, I can’t use the calendar

Tasks can be ticked off as completed. Events can’t.

If i undertsand you feature request, you want a Calendar event to have an eg: “Completed Event” check box like tasks and then “dissapear” when click completed ?

Yes, but have it appear with the other Tasks in the Agenda panel
Actually, I would say, the “Event” creation popup should have a tick box which simply means it creates a Task

Have a look at Vivaldi calendar …