Automatically scroll the Inbox to the top when receiving new email

I miss new emails daily because of this unusually designed feature. In most other email clients I’ve used, when receiving a new email, the email list scrolls to the top to show the new emails received.
It is very unproductive to keep new emails hidden from the user, and there seems to be no reason to do that, since all the other email clients can manage.

I would at the very least welcome the option to click on the INBOX label and have the list scroll to the top, but that doesn’t happen either, for no reason at all. Ideally both these should be implemented - auto scroll to top + click on Inbox (or any folder) and go to the root of that folder.

No one expects the messages list to keep its scrolled position when clicking away to another folder in the account, like DRAFTS for example. You need to keep that email in focus? Double click on it and open it in a new window, problem solved.

I do not want to press HOME everytime I need to check and see the new emails, especially since this shortcut does not work unless you have selected the messages list. Which means that you have to press a key, then the mouse, now you’ve selected another email, then move the hand again, press the key again… It’s just bad UI

It is by design that your position in the message list for that folder is remembered until you restart the application.

You don’t need to. Just click on the Unread Favorites folder to see all new unread messages.

However, I have added your recommendation to the feature request list, so it may be considered for future development to provide an option NOT to remember your position in folders.

I know it’s by design, that’s why I’m requesting it in the Feature Request and not filling it as a bug.

Again, I know I can get to the top of the list in some ways. What I’m asking is for the interface of the client to update in such a way that it shows me I have new email, like any other email client. I don’t even need the currently selected email to be deselected, which would both keep my position in the list AND scroll to the top.

Thank you.

I am a new user of emclient as of the last several months, and I share the viewpoint of Olias32 as stated above in this thread. Every email program I have ever used automatically shows, rather than sometimes hides, new unread emails. I think this feature change is much needed to conform to implicit and widespread standards for email interfaces. Secondarily, I so far do not find anything about Unread Favorites in emclient, but I don’t think being shown that feature would detract from the request to automatically make visible new unread emails, so that a glance will do. I just want to glance at my screen and instantly and easily know if any I have had any new emails come in, without touching anything. Glancing is lightning fast, right? That is its advantage, not even needing to sit down at the desk–so valuable.


In most other email clients I’ve used, when receiving a new email, the email list scrolls to the top to show the new emails received.

What mail client automatically scrolls to the top when you receive new mail ?

Perhaps the emclient behavior is more complicated than so far acknowledged here. The initial condition for a test I just ran was a still selected and previously read earlier email at the top of the emclient emails list. I just now sent several test emails from an email account on my phone to my emclient email account. I also sent one email from an alias account to my emclient account. In all cases, I can see the newly arrived emails at the top, so it scrolled up. I did nothing to make this happen.
However, I know there have been instances, and not rare ones, when there are newly arrived emails in emclient, but still the top visible email on emclient is the already read email, and the new unread emails are hidden, and the scrollbar is not back at the top.
I cannot at the moment specify the prior conditions for this no-scroll-up behavior in emclient. I can only say for sure this happens, and for sure, but not all the time. Maybe there is a simple answer here, but I do not have it.

What mail client automatically scrolls to the top when you receive new mail ?

Dude, it’s a feature request. Why does it matter which app does what? Why are you questioning the way I use the app? If it’s added as a toogle option, it doesn’t even impact your workflow in any way.

I never understood this type of approach and comment. Why does it bother you? I requested a feature on the Feature Request thread. Isn’t that the whole purpose of this thread? If the devs thought the app was perfect for all users forever, there wouldn’t be a feedback forum.

I don’t want to be rude, but I’m not really interested in explainig myself and justifing why I want that feature anymore. I want it because I want it. I’m paying for the app, and there’s a thread for requesting features.

I hit reply on cyberzork’s message, which is to you, but also in a way to everyone reading this formum. The point is this: My emclient sometimes does scroll to the top with new messages, which implies that a straightforward feature request may be misguided. Your feature request presumes that emclient never scrolls to the top with a new unread email, but it does, sometimes. This information is important to the feature request, which you implicitly make on behalf of all users, since a feature for you alone would be nonsense. I will go back up, and paste this reply to Gary early on. Sorry you are so upset about this.

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My emclient sometimes does scroll to the top with new messages, which implies that a straightforward feature request may be misguided. At other times emclient does not scroll to the top, even though a new unread message has come in. I will try to notice in which circumstances these two different behaviors arise.


Why does it matter which app does what.

I would just like to see how the app automatically scrolls to the top “when its already open” as I’ve never seen that before with mail apps I’ve used.

eM Client support can then also see an example of how it works with whatever mail app you’ve been using to then hopefully implement if you can post which mail app has this functionality.