autocomplete "old" mailadresses

I use Gmail and i want to delete addresses that comes up automatically when I start Writing an address. For exemple if I type “an” all mailaddresses that starts with an shows up. Some of them are old and I want to delete them. How do I do?? There are some red crosses at the right, but not on all of them. And they are not Contacts on Gmail.

Hi, you can clear your recipients history in Tools > Settings > Mail > Compose, the red cross appears next to a cached recipient, when it’s not displayed it means that this item is saved within one of your contacts saved in your contacts folder, by clicking on the red cross the recipient will be cleared from the history and won’t be shown again.

Hope this helps,

I still don ́t understand how to delete those who don ́t have a red cross? I can not find them under Contacts?

Hi again, as i mentioned all of the suggested addresses without the red cross shown are saved under some contact in your contacts folder, to find them try to use the search feature with the use of the email address.

Thank you,