Authentication Failed Error Message

Once I connect to my email account an error pops up saying: Authentication Failed.
Can you assist is resolving the problem?

Since we are unable to see what you see, it would help to get some info about your eM Client setup and your email host. The more detail the better…

Does this help?

One thing is that the security policy is incorrect.

For port 143, change it to Use SSL/TLS if available
Click Save & Close.

2021-12-10 (3)

That didn’t work! Still showing the same error…

Do I need to make any changes to the security policy on my SMTP?

No the SMTP is OK.

But the error is that your credentials were rejected.
Please contact the provider and make sure you have the correct username and password.

The credentials (password) are correct, I can access my email account but I can’t download/update my incoming emails since Nov 18th because of this error!
I don’t know what else I can do?