Attachments getting corrupted?

We have a particular PC that has a licensed version of emClient running on it (7.1.31849.0). When this client receives e-mails with PDF attachments, occasionally they are corrupted. Not 100% of the time, just now and again. At first I thought it was the PDF reader (Acrobat) that was causing the issue. So I uninstalled that and reinstalled. Same problem. And same problem if I save the ‘corrupt’ attachmnet locally and try to open it in any other programme (like a browser for example). All say corrupt.

But we know it is not the attachment itself as copying this from the e-mail server arcive to a PC with Outlook on does not exhibit the same problem.

Any ideas what the problem might be?

Many thanks,


There was a similar problem with another user and Word documents but I can’t find it at the moment.

The document could be downloaded and viewed successfully through the web interface for the account, and with MS Outlook connected to the same account. Just eM Client could not do it. Maybe it is some incompatibility with the particular email sever and eM Client. I don’t remember seeing any resolution on this forum.

As you have a Pro License, I would suggest that you open a support ticket for this. They should be able to help, or at least the problem can be passed to the developers.

Thanks Gary.

Good idea - I will try them direct to see if they have an answer.

Many thanks.
