Archived messages

Archived messages - where are they? How do you find them?

We describe this in the Documentation (F1)

"There are two types of Archiving within eM Client.

The first type is server-side (manual) Archiving which moves your messages to a newly created Archive folder within your email account or in a Gmail account, the messages are stripped of their labels and moved to the All Mail folder. The messages are still saved to your account, but they no longer appear in your Inbox. This type of archiving is for IMAP and Exchange (EWS) accounts.

The second type of archiving is Automatic (local) Archiving. For this type of archiving, older messages are automatically periodically removed from your email accounts, and placed into a Local Folder within eM Client. This means that the archived messages will no longer sync with your account and will only be locally available within eM Client. This type of archiving is good for people with a small amount of storage available in their email server."

Thank you Gary. I did not know about F1, but found an explanation when I did a search for eM Client documentation. Very helpful to know - and also very helpful to know that there is searchable online Documentation. I have been using eM Client for 2 years, just winging it. Fortunately it’s pretty user-friendly!

I also found the Archive folder in the Local section of my inbox, with the email that I put there by mistake. Mystery solved!
I will read up on Archiving. Thanks again.