Apple News links in email newsletter do not open in app


I have an Apple One Premier subscription and am signed into iCloud on all of my devices. I receive a weekly Apple News newsletter via email. When I click on links to stories in the email newsletter, they open in Safari instead of directly in the News app. This does not happen with other email clients. Can you please fix this, thank you.

Any feedback please?

What’s an example url link ?


I tested opening that (2nd URL) example in eM Client V10 for Mac, and my default “Chrome Browser” opened and “asked if i wanted to open it in Apple News” and then opened Apple News from then on, after I checked the box to “allways open with Apple News”.

So suggest to maybe try resetting Safari to default, and try clearing the cache and cookies etc. “If Safari still won’t give you the prompt to open Apple News”, I would contact Apple technical support as it is then something in the browser not prompting you. Could be a restriction in Safari disabling the prompt.

Or Alternatively try setting another browser such as Chrome or any other Chromium browser as default and Then reboot & see if the prompt appears as in the below example screenshot.,A7f-9dbfUQNS2OsB8nNHngA,Ae0jFe3ubR7OpYGI-SHaNvA,AbFzyNdDJQIOCZgsgj1eHhA,A32V5i0igQ6-WWWXSlxX64Q,AvGxd9vcESWyGYPzF2PJMng,A4VR3Q7OFTE-XAx3Irwz8xA,AaAxjmxE1QS-dUEym6TOCtA,AOfT1kXNtQoyepLeNJLg3VA&campaign_id=E103&campaign_type=998fdf78-818e-4e70-cfdd-31723c18b17a%2Fa&creative_id=comp-id-daily_more_stories_entry_with_image-4-8:moreStoryWithImageEntry