Any way to turn off the undo Mail deleted popup

Per the title is there any way to turn off the undo Mail deleted popup?

Have you tried turning this off in the settings?

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I did that, thanks. This is about the undo deleted mail.

Any way to turn off the undo Mail deleted popup

To turn off the notification to undo deleted mail, go to “Menu / Settings / General / Confirmations” and remove the check box marked “Ask before deleting mail”.

(eM Client V9.2 for Windows example)



However if you are talking about removing the “Blue Undo Mail Delete” popup i don’t think you can and may need to be a feature request, but im sure someone on the forum will update this thread if you can.


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Thanks. I already have that unchecked. No joy,

I just started using this client yesterday, and am having the same issue.