Recent transfer from Postbox with paid version of desktop. Mac desktop app seems to work okay. Have run into an issue with the Android version, however. On a tablet (Samsung Tab), there is a fixed preview panel on the right side that takes up the majority of the screen. Cannot move it to the bottom or delete it (so just the list of emails can be seen). The desktop version allows this under Appearance > Layout. No such option exists in the Android version on eM Client (that I can find). Nor can you set a flag to not deem an email opened if it is in the preview panel. I set it to “disabled” just to stop the behavior. I’ll watch what you guys do with the Android version, but for now the tablet/phone App for Gmail has an advantage. As an aside, on a very small screen – like an Samsung FE – the side panel does not appear – only the list. Go figure.
I am also frustrated by this. I have the emclient Android App on my phone and my tablet. It works fine on the phone, but on the tablet, the preview is fixed, and literally occupies the entire right hand half of the screen, leaving the folder list and the email list squashed up on the left. Neither can be changed. There is what looks like a zoom arrow pair at the top right of the email list, but when you hit that it zooms the email not the list.
Would really like a small enhancement to turn off preview, or change the recognised screen size so it can be used like on my Android phone.
Yes I’ve also seen that preview problem with the Droid version on tablets. I suspect it’s not been designed for tablet use and only mobile atm.
Needs Devs looking at a Tablet Droid version.
Of course we’ve spent a lot of time to support tablet for factor as well with thje mobile app. Basically we set the layout based on the tablet size. For very small tablets we only show one box (message list or message detail), for bigger ones we show two of them and for large tablet screens we also show folder list by default. Can you share a screenshot and tablet size where you experience that behavior? Currently we don’t plan “Message list on the bottom” layout type for mobile application.
@Michal_Burger ok thanks for that info.
When i next have access to a Samsung Tablet at the local shop i will try again. Unfortunately they have sold out of them where i live atm and i live in a very small regional town so could be sometime till i can get access to one.
@ChuckfmTN or @Grant_Collingwood can you do a screenshot in this thread of this fixed preview panel issue on the right side that takes up the majority of the screen. Also your tablet size & what resolution.
Attached screenshot here. I have circled the two fixed areas, the folders on the left, and the message on the right. These two use up 75% of the display, leaving a very small list view, which is the most important.
My table is A9 Plus with 11" screen.
Also of note, on my phone, a Samsung S10+, it shows the List and from there you can open folders or the message, which is much more suitable, and the screen is smaller.