Android: Aliases NotificationNew Mail

Hello Team,

I have been long time user of Nine mail on Android to manage my domain and Gmail emals. Then switched to OfficeMail Pro from same developer, which lacked few features. Then I tried Blue Email and couple other, before I found eM Client mail app for android.

I am really liking the UI, features and the versatility of this application, thank you! Though the UI is little slow/stutters a bit on my latest OnePlus 12 (Snapdragon Gen 3) phone.

I have so far found one issue/bug that is a big one.

I have one aliase created for my primary email. Email is hosted on Hostinger. I get proper notification (notification alert on phone) when I receive email on main/primary email address (Inbox) but when there are emails received on aliase address, I do not get any notifications. I have to manually click the Folder name associates with the Aliase (rule set on server side, when received “To” [email protected] Move to Folder BBB) to see if there are new emails, or not. The notifications worked fine on other android apps.

Is this a bug or am I missing some settings at my end?

eM Client only checks messages with Inbox label, especially for push notifications. We are making some changes so it will soon be configurable on both mobile and desktop versions for which labels you want to receive notifications for Gmail accounts. But for push notifications it may still remain restricted.

Dear Gary,

Thank you for the quick reply and the update. Look forward to seeing this feature, and others, being integrated.