Aliases - will only send as default email address

I have set up Alias’ for several of my accounts. It used to work, that when an email was displayed by the recipient, it would show as being from the Alias email address. It doesn’t do this anymore. The “From” field shows the account default email address. However if the “Reply to” is clicked, then the Replied to email is sent to the Alias email address. How can this be fixed so that the Recipient only sees the Alias address and not the eMClient default address?


das von dir beschriebene Verhalten besteht leider schon seit langer Zeit.
In der Beta-Phase zur Version 10 habe ich auch nochmals darauf hingewiesen, es wurde aber seitens des Supports keine Lösung angeboten.
Eigentlich schon sehr erstaunlich, da u.a. Thunderbird problemlos mit Alias-Verwaltung klarkommt.

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Thank you for your response. Yes - if this is the case, it is unfortunate. Which is too bad, as I really quite like eMClient for everything else.

Any word on this? I just heard about eMClient on the podcast, Security Now, and I’ve been playing with it all day and loving it so much. But then when I went to test out sending from aliases, I discovered this behavior as well. It works perfectly in every other email client I’ve used (which is many). I have been researching and trying everything I can find from the forum and the documentation, but nothing seems to work. No matter what I do, the From address shows the default, not the alias. Any word from from the team on this? Am I just missing something, or is this not supported?

No Word from anyone. Yes - it’s too bad. Was such a great feature.

Still waiting for it to be fixed - but haven’t seen it yet.

I decided to investigate this further, and I tested this out against a bunch of other email clients, and they were all exhibiting the same behavior, so I dug deeper. It turns out that for me at least, it was a setting with my Fastmail account. Here is a screenshot of it:

You can find this option in Settings → Signatures & Compose → Compose options.

Apparently it was on by default, because I never would have turned it on. In any case, once I turned it off, it started working.

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If you want your alias email address to be the default address in eM Client for sending mail, then "set the alias email address (to be the email address) in the “Accounts / General Tab” under your Name as @Gary advised in his post in this thread. Then save accounts.

As @makani advised, some mail servers also require you to change the Alias email address “on the server end to be the default” otherwise it will just default back again when the mail server end sends it. So check in your online mail server settings. If you don’t know where that settings is located, ask your mail server tech support.

For eg: Gmail users, apart from changing the alias email address in eM Client accounts General tab, "you also need to “change that in Gmail online”.

You need to change both your default “From” and “Reply-to” address in Gmail online.

If you only change the “From” address, replies will go to your original Gmail address by default.

Thank you for following up on this. I will have a look at my GMAIL accounts to set it up this way. We’ll see what happens.

Thank you for looking into this. I do use GMAIL, but will look to see if there is such a setting for this as well. Hopefully, I can find something.

Thank you for looking into this. I do use GMAIL, but will look to see if there is such a setting for this as well. Hopefully, I can find something.


I do use GMAIL, but will look to see if there is such a setting for this as well. Hopefully, I can find something.

See the below Google link for how to add and setup your alias email address to be the default address for sending and replying.

So, I went back to my GMAIL account settings and changed them to ‘Treat as Alias’ and ‘Reply to this address’ (and entered the same address). That seems to work.