Advise Needed In set up

Having an issue with the app. Have one Samsung Phone, all working good. Also have another phone, but having a problem downloading via the QR code. Any help be appreciated.

Also have another phone, but having a problem downloading via the QR code

What happens when you try to scan with the eM Client mobile app ? Do you get any error messages.

Also is your other phone an Android or iOS mobile ? and what mobile OS are you using on that one.

The new phone is Also Samsung A55G. Do not get any error messages. Or is it easier to add the accounts manually.
Thanks for help

The new phone is Also Samsung A55G

Normally after installing the eM Client droid mobile app, you just open the app and “Skip the initial setup” and then choose the “Import via QR Code” option.

If that doesn’t work, then yes you might need to use the automatic account wizard setup instead.

Will try the automatic account wizard setup. Will keep you informed.

Again thanks for the advise and help given