anyway to save/export all my settings (like how the specific columns are being displayed within specific folders)?
Yes, you can export your settings using Menu > File > Export > Export Settings to xml file. Then you have some options of what you want to export. The first one, simply called Settings, includes all visual settings like column configurations among other things. Other than that you cannot export more specific settings.
If you just want to copy the display settings from one folder to another, right-click on the column header and choose Apply Column Configuration to Other Folder(s). Then you can select which folders to copy the setting to.
after installing em client beta and renaming the em client folder under appdata at least the outgoing messages are not being put into the spam folder anymore
but the problem still exists for a large proportion of the incoming messages
GMX (Germany) has not even bothered to answer so far
Yeah, unfortunately GMX is a bit slow to answer. is better than in that respect, but is worse than both. All the same company.
great answer by GMX (Germany)
the problem has nothing to do with their sofware, only questions regarding their specific incoming folder are being dealt with, my problem is externel, i.e. connected to em client