Add to contacts from incoming email

How do I add contacts from incoming email

Right click on the contact and choose Add Contact/Add all Contacts

This works but does not fill in the “file as” field with the default so the contact does not appear in the proper place in the business card view.  File as is supposed to default to surname/firstname but doesn’t always seem to do it.

Hi Dan, can you make a screenshot of an example where the contact was filed incorrectly?
What version of eM Client are you currently using?

Thank you,

I have the screen shot.

Hi, thank you, I’ve replicated the issue and you’re right, the file as field is ignored after adding.
I’ve reported the issue to the developers, hopefully this will be fixed for future releases of eM Client.

Thank you for reporting this,

Always glad to help.  it also doesn’t show the email “display as” but that still seems to display correctly.

Hi Dan,

I think the ‘file as’ field is filled when you [tab] outside of the ‘full name’ field.

Nope.  At least not when I went back to it.  besides, when someone inserts a new contact, even from email, they shouldn’t have to edit it just to force the defaults to take hold.

Hi Hans, only if you edit the contact after you add it to the contacts folder, this really seems to be an issue of the application, we’re working on fixing it.

Thank you,

Hi, we’ve released a new update , where this issue should be fixed, can you try to update to this version and check if the issue persists?

Thank you,

Thanks.  Seems to work.  You might consider an option to open the new contact dialog box so qwe can make further changes if we have more information.  Often, for instance, ther are phone numbers in the email signature.

Thanks for responding so quickly with a fix.

Thank you for the suggestion, we’ll consider adding the feature to future releases.


Hi Paul,

A very good suggestion Champion. Outlook does that. DreaMail do that.

As you are promising adding this and that would it be easy to look if y can simplify the making of rule . It is as as difficult as adding a contact from received mail.

I used Eudora for years and enjoyed the to construct rules to organise mail. I miss the easiness of Eudora. I bought eM Client hoping finding that but …! Installing a rule from a mail is as clumsy as adding  a contact. I do wonder why I bought the stuff.


Thank you for your input on this, we’ll consider improving these features for future releases.
