Add more event snoozing options

Hi, as an em Client Pro customer, I find the event snoozing options really limited: 5/15/30 mins, 1 hour, 1 day.
Very often I’d like to snooze an event for more than 1 hour, but for less than 1 day, as well as in other occurences I’d like to snooze for more than 1 day (eg before the week-end).
It could be very good to have more snoozing options, say: 5/15/30 mins, 1/2/4/6/8 hours, 1/2/3 days, 1 wk (or something similar).
Could you kindly implement this change, em Client?

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The Windows notification popups are limited to how many options they can list. That is a restriction from the Windows OS. If you use the Reminder window instead, you have more options.

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Thanks Gary, got the point.