This is a workflow feature that would make cleaning my inboxes work much faster.
I get a lot of emails from the same company, like ads, newsletters, lots of notifications, alerts, etc. In other mail clients I’ve had the ability to do something like right-click a message and choose “find similar” or at least find all message by the same sender, etc.
I’d like some way to quickly filter the current folder to all messages with same sender or similar subject lines or something like that. Then I can quickly process all those similar messages.
I realize I can just go to the search features and open the advanced area and enter an email to find, and then go select to make sure I’m in the current folder only etc etc. But first I have to open the email, open the headers, find the sender email and copy it, go to the search bar, make sure it’s only on the current folder, then open the advanced area, paste the email and search. And then when I’m done I have to clear the search to get back to normal.
Like I said this is only a workflow shortcut. I just want to right-click a message, select “find same” or whatever, and then it filters the current folder with all those similar emails. Two clicks instead of 10 or more.
You could even use the existing “filter by” dropdown, just add a couple contextual options that only show up when one email is selected, saying “Same sender” and “Same Subject” for example.
I’m testing out em client. One feature I’m looking for is described in this 2022 post, the ability to quickly isolate (find) messages from a sender. My in-box fills with promotions, notifications, etc. I am looking for a feature to “find all messages from this sender”. Ultimately I will select-all, delete.
My work-around is to right click on the sender’s email address > copy > paste into search box > hit enter. This works but a feature would be nice.
Thanks Gary, that works very well! I hadn’t noticed the right sidebar with the email history. That is very handy as it summarizes emails with that one correspondent, it’s a nice feature!
The sidebar is okay but is still lacking some of the convenience features.
The preview is really small, like barely 100px high making it hard to quickly scan the content. If the preview filled the screen more, it would be fine.
Double-clicking the message in the sidebar opens a popup instead of the main window. Perhaps people might like popup OR main window, I would prefer main window, or some other combination like disable the hover preview and just click to open in main window etc.
Lack of multi-select or select-all so they can be archived or deleted quicker.
No easy-access quick action button like delete or forward. I know there is one icon with a dropdown, but that means another action to find something. It’s all about reducing steps and clicks!
It appears to list emails whever they exist in other folders, but I typically want to limit my preview/bulk actions to just the inbox. If I archive a message to some other folder, I don’t need to see it again or accidentally delete it. I only want to work on the inbox and/or unread messages.
I’ve migrated to em client after the announced demise of PostBox. I’m using em client as my daily email client. This is one of the most common actions I need to do, filter to email sent by one sender. Yes, the Contact Details on the right shows the history, but there is no way to see the entire message easily in the message pane.
FEATURE REQUEST. This should be simple, right click on a contact in the message list and offer in the drop down menu a search by this email address. This would the same as if I manually entered that email address in the search bar but offer it as one right-click, one left-click. This would give me all the emails from that sender in the message list and show the message body in the main window.
I perform this search by sender throughout the day, it’s probably the most frequently repeated action I do with em client.
Again today I’m looking for this type of functionality in eM client. I’ve clicked on a message from a sender. I want to limit or filter the message list to messages from that person. Intuitively it seems it should be a filter but there isn’t a function. I tried dragging the person to the search but that didn’t have any effect. Using the search box needs extra work
For discussion before I make a feature request, is filter the best place for filtering to messages from one sender? Or a right click menu option?
When you open an email, there should be a sidebar on the right called “Contact Details” and this will have a “History” tab that shows all the emails by this sender.
The problem I have with this list is that it pulls emails from all folders, not just the inbox, so if I move emails to an archive folder or organizational folder, it will still be in this list, so I can’t mass delete without being careful if that was an email I wanted to keep.
Second problem is you can’t read the emails well when clicking on them in the history list because the emails are shrunk, you can’t process them quickly this way.
There is also no delete button in the popup email preview.
You can use the main search bar, set the folder to “Current Folder”, then open the advanced filtering popup and put the email address in the “from” search.
This gets the job done but is certainly far worse than if we had a simple right-click “find all by this sender” filtering feature that created the search filters automatically.
When you open an email, there should be a sidebar on the right called “Contact Details” and this will have a “History” tab that shows all the emails by this sender.
The current sidebar “on the right of the email” as @Gary advised does show all the contact email history from that sender when you click the “Contact Details” button at the bottom right of the Sidebar.
However if you are wanting the current sidebar Contact Details History to “also show in a popup window the same”, then that would probably require a Sleekplan request / suggestion.
Note: If there is a way to show the contact details history in a separate popup window, someone will update this thread.
The problem I have with this list is that it pulls emails from all folders, not just the inbox, so if I move emails to an archive folder or organizational folder, it will still be in this list, so I can’t mass delete without being careful if that was an email I wanted to keep.
Yes the current Contact Details history in the Sidebar is designed to show the full history of emails from that sender “no matter where the emails are located”. It’s a global history. If you don’t want it to do that, then that would probably also require a Sleekplan request / suggestion.
Note: If there is a way to avoid pulling from all mail folders, then someone will update this thread.
Second problem is you can’t read the emails well when clicking on them in the history list because the emails are shrunk, you can’t process them quickly this way.
When you hover over the emails in the history , there is an option to open them “at the bottom of the small preview popup window” that appears.
You can also “dblclick the emails in the history” sidebar window to open them as normal.
The only request I think we all have is to filter the emails of the same sender in the same folder with one or two clicks so we can quickly scan and read and process emails from the same sender.
I do this with newsletters, ads, Nextdoor, whatever it might be. A single little button to “filter by this sender” would do wonders for productivity. All it has to do is add the details into the search bar automatically, it’s not like there is some new advanced logic that has to happen.
The people I work with are notorious for just replying to a handy email instead of starting a new message with descriptive subject line. So important information is buried. Seeing the message body in the main window is useful, it’s the view that shows the most content of a message. Double clicking inthe history sidebar opens a reduced size view of the message.
So my desired workflow would be to click on a message then filter or right-click and “Show messages from this sender”. I would expand the conversation threads and scroll through the message list, reading the bodies in the main window looking for what I’m looking for. I have to do this because I can’t get people to use descriptive subject lines.
I know everyone has slightly different use cases and solutions. My primary objective is to quickly identify messages from a given sender with the intent to select and mass delete most or all of them. I know that there is the Contact Detail/History, but that opens up a small window on the right and requires me to open a message first.
Mailbird allows you to click on the message’s search icon and it opens up a window with a list of messages. This list is very similar to the one generated by Em Client’s Filter function. It has been suggested that something like a “Filter by Sender” menu item be added to the “Filter” menu and, when clicked, will grab the sender from the currently selected email and display messages from that sender in the Filter result list. For my use, this would be a much more satisfying experience for me that would only require two clicks (one to Filter and the other “Filter by Sender”) to get me the information. Typically, I seldom have to open the email to see what it contains (i.e., the daily sale or forum summary emails that often clutter up my email inbox over time.
I hope something like this gets implemented at some point. Otherwise, Em Client is a stellar email client.